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[simgrid.git] / examples / kademlia / Node.java
1 package kademlia;
2 /* Copyright (c) 2010. The SimGrid Team.
3  * All rights reserved.                                                     */
5 /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. */
8 import org.simgrid.msg.Host;
10 import org.simgrid.msg.Comm;
11 import org.simgrid.msg.Msg;
12 import org.simgrid.msg.MsgException;
13 import org.simgrid.msg.Process;
14 import org.simgrid.msg.Task;
15 /**
16  * Main class of the simulation, contains the logic of a node.
17  */
18 public class Node extends Process {
19         /**
20           * Id in the network.
21          */
22         protected int id;
23         /**
24          * Routing table
25          */
26         protected RoutingTable table;
27         /**
28          * Deadline
29          */
30         protected int deadline;
31         /**
32          * FIND_NODE which have succeeded.
33          */
34         protected int findNodeSuccedded = 0;
35         /**
36          * FIND_NODE which have failed
37          */
38         protected int findNodeFailed = 0;
40         protected Comm comm;
42         public Node(Host host, String name, String[]args) {
43                 super(host,name,args);
44         }
46         @Override
47         public void main(String[] args) throws MsgException {
48                 //Check the number of arguments.
49                 if (args.length != 2 && args.length != 3) {
50                         Msg.info("Wrong argument count.");
51                         return;
52                 }
53                 this.id = Integer.valueOf(args[0]);
54                 this.table = new RoutingTable(this.id);
56                 if (args.length == 3) {
57                         this.deadline = Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue();
58                         Msg.info("Hi, I'm going to join the network with the id " + id + "!");
59                         if (joinNetwork(Integer.valueOf(args[1]))) {
60                                 this.mainLoop();
61                         } 
62                         else {
63                                 Msg.info("I couldn't join the network :(");
64                         }
65                 }
66                 else {
67                         this.deadline = Integer.valueOf(args[1]).intValue();
68                         Msg.info("Hi, I'm going to create the network with the id " + id + "!");
69                         table.update(this.id);
70                         this.mainLoop();
71                 }               
72                 Msg.debug("I'm leaving the network");
73                 Msg.debug("Here is my routing table:" + table);
74         }
75         /**
76          * Node main loop
77          */
78         public void mainLoop() {
79                 double next_lookup_time = Msg.getClock() + Common.RANDOM_LOOKUP_INTERVAL;
80                 while (Msg.getClock() < this.deadline) {
81                         try {
82                                 if (comm == null) {
83                                         comm = Task.irecv(Integer.toString(id));
84                                 }
85                                 if (!comm.test()) {
86                                         if (Msg.getClock() >= next_lookup_time) {
87                                                 randomLookup();
88                                                 next_lookup_time += Common.RANDOM_LOOKUP_INTERVAL;
89                                         }
90                                         else {
91                                                 waitFor(1);
92                                         }                                               
93                                 }
94                                 else {
95                                         Task task = comm.getTask();
96                                         handleTask(task);
97                                         comm = null;
98                                 }
99                         }
100                         catch (Exception e) {
102                         }
103                 }
104                 Msg.info(findNodeSuccedded + "/"  + (findNodeSuccedded + findNodeFailed) + " FIND_NODE have succedded.");
105         }
106         /**
107          * @brief Try to make the node join the network
108          * @param idKnown Id of someone we know in the system
109          */
110         public boolean joinNetwork(int idKnown) {
111                 boolean answerGot = false;
112                 double timeBegin = Msg.getClock();
113                 Msg.debug("Joining the network knowing " + idKnown);
114                 //Add ourselves and the node we know to our routing table
115                 table.update(this.id);
116                 table.update(idKnown);
117                 //Send a "FIND_NODE" to the node we know.
118                 sendFindNode(idKnown,this.id);
119                 //Wait for the answer.
120                 int trials = 0;
122                 do {
123                         try {
124                                 if (comm == null) {
125                                         comm = Task.irecv(Integer.toString(id));
126                                 }
127                                 if (comm != null) {
128                                         if (!comm.test()) {
129                                                 waitFor(1);
130                                         }
131                                         else {
132                                                 Task task = comm.getTask();
133                                                 if (task instanceof FindNodeAnswerTask) {
134                                                         answerGot = true;
135                                                         //Retrieve the node list and ping them
136                                                         FindNodeAnswerTask answerTask = (FindNodeAnswerTask)task;
137                                                         Answer answer = answerTask.getAnswer();
138                                                         answerGot = true;
139                                                         //answersGotten++;
140                                                         if (answer.getDestinationId() == this.id) {
141                                                                 //Ping everyone in the list
142                                                                 for (Contact c : answer.getNodes()) {
143                                                                         table.update(c.getId());
144                                                                 }                                               
145                                                         }
146                                                 }
147                                                 else {
148                                                         handleTask(task);
149                                                 }
150                                                 comm = null;
151                                         }
152                                 }
154                         }
155                         catch (Exception ex) {
156                                 trials++;
157                                 Msg.info("FIND_NODE failed");
158                         }
159                 } while (!answerGot && trials < Common.MAX_JOIN_TRIALS);
160                 /* Second step: Send a FIND_NODE in a node in each bucket */
161                 int bucketId = table.findBucket(idKnown).getId();
162                 for (int i = 0; ((bucketId - i) > 0 || 
163                          (bucketId + i) <= Common.IDENTIFIER_SIZE) && 
164                          i < Common.JOIN_BUCKETS_QUERIES; i++) {
165                         if (bucketId - i > 0) {
166                                 int idInBucket = table.getIdInPrefix(this.id,bucketId - i);
167                                 this.findNode(idInBucket,false);
168                         }
169                         if (bucketId + i <= Common.IDENTIFIER_SIZE) {
170                                 int idInBucket = table.getIdInPrefix(this.id,bucketId + i);                             
171                                 findNode(idInBucket,false);
172                         }
173                 }
174                 Msg.debug("Time spent:" + (Msg.getClock() - timeBegin));
175                 return answerGot;
176         }
177         /**
178          * Send a request to find a node in the node's routing table.
179          */
180         public boolean findNode(int destination, boolean counts) {
181                 int queries, answers, totalQueries = 0, totalAnswers = 0;
182                 int nodesAdded = 0;
183                 boolean destinationFound = false;
184                 int steps = 0;
185                 double timeBeginReceive;
186                 double timeout, globalTimeout = Msg.getClock() + Common.FIND_NODE_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT;
187                 //Build a list of the closest nodes we already know.
188                 Answer nodeList = table.findClosest(destination);
189                 Msg.debug("Doing a FIND_NODE on " + destination);
190                 do {
191                         answers = 0;
192                         queries = this.sendFindNodeToBest(nodeList);
193                         totalQueries += queries;
194                         nodesAdded = 0;
195                         timeout = Msg.getClock() + Common.FIND_NODE_TIMEOUT;
196                         steps++;
197                         do {
198                                 try {
199                                         timeBeginReceive = Msg.getClock();
200                                         if (comm == null) {
201                                                 comm = Task.irecv(Integer.toString(id));
202                                         }
203                                         comm.waitCompletion(10);
204                                         if (!comm.test()) {
205                                                 waitFor(1);
206                                         }
207                                         else {
208                                                 Task task = comm.getTask();     
209                                                 if (task instanceof FindNodeAnswerTask) {
210                                                         FindNodeAnswerTask answerTask = (FindNodeAnswerTask)task;
211                                                         //Check if we received what we are looking for.
212                                                         if (answerTask.getDestinationId() == destination) {
213                                                                 table.update(answerTask.getSenderId());
214                                                                 //Add the answer to our routing table
215                                                                 for (Contact c: answerTask.getAnswer().getNodes()) {
216                                                                         table.update(c.getId());
217                                                                 }
218                                                                 answers++;
219                                                                 totalAnswers++;
221                                                                 nodesAdded = nodeList.merge(answerTask.getAnswer());                                                    
222                                                         }
223                                                         else {
224                                                                 handleTask(task);
225                                                                 timeout += Msg.getClock() - timeBeginReceive;                                                   
226                                                         }
227                                                 }
228                                                 else {
229                                                         handleTask(task);
230                                                         timeout += Msg.getClock() - timeBeginReceive;
231                                                 }
232                                                 comm = null;
233                                         }
234                                 }
235                                 catch (Exception e) {
236                                         comm = null;
237                                 }
238                         } while (answers < queries && Msg.getClock() < timeout);
239                         destinationFound = nodeList.destinationFound();
240                 } while (!destinationFound && (nodesAdded > 0 || answers == 0) && Msg.getClock() < globalTimeout && steps < Common.MAX_STEPS);
242                 if (destinationFound) {
243                         if (counts) {
244                                 findNodeSuccedded++;
245                         }
246                         Msg.debug("Find node on " + destination + " succedded with " + totalQueries + " queries and " + totalAnswers + " answers");
247                 }
248                 else {
249                         Msg.debug("Find node on " + destination + " failed");
250                         Msg.debug("Queried " + queries + " nodes to find "  + destination + ", got " + totalAnswers + " answers");
251                         Msg.debug(nodeList.toString());
252                         if (counts) {
253                                 findNodeFailed++;
254                         }
255                 }
256                 return destinationFound;
257         }
258         /**
259          * Sends a "PING" request to a node
260          * @param destination Ping destination id.
261          */
262         public void ping(int destination) {
263                 boolean destinationFound = false;
264                 double timeout = Msg.getClock() + Common.PING_TIMEOUT;
265                 PingTask pingTask = new PingTask(this.id);
266                 /* Sending the ping task */
267                 pingTask.dsend(Integer.toString(destination));
268                 do
269                 {
270                         try {
271                                 Task task = Task.receive(Integer.toString(this.id),Common.PING_TIMEOUT);
272                                 if (task instanceof PingAnswerTask) {
273                                         PingAnswerTask answerTask = (PingAnswerTask)task;
274                                         if (answerTask.getSenderId() == destination) {
275                                                 this.table.update(destination);
276                                                 destinationFound = true;
277                                         }
278                                         else {
279                                                 handleTask(task);
280                                         }
281                                 }
282                                 else {
283                                         handleTask(task);
284                                 }
285                                 waitFor(1);
286                         }
287                         catch (Exception ex) {
288                         }
289                 } while (Msg.getClock() < timeout && !destinationFound);
290         }
291         /**
292          * Sends a "FIND_NODE" request (task) to the node we know.
293          * @brief id Id of the node we are querying
294          * @brief destination id of the node we are trying to find.
295          */
296         public void sendFindNode(int id, int destination) {
297                 Msg.debug("Sending a FIND_NODE to " + Integer.toString(id) + " to find " + destination  );
298                 FindNodeTask task = new FindNodeTask(this.id,destination);
299                 task.dsend(Integer.toString(id));
300         }
301         /**
302          * Sends a "FIND_NODE" request to the best "alpha" nodes in a node
303          * list
304          */
305         public int sendFindNodeToBest(Answer nodeList) {
306                 int destination = nodeList.getDestinationId();
307                 int i;
308                 for (i = 0; i < Common.alpha && i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
309                         Contact node = nodeList.getNodes().get(i);
310                         if (node.getId() != this.id) {
311                                 this.sendFindNode(node.getId(),destination);
312                         }
313                 }
314                 return i;
315         }
316         /**
317          * Does a random lookup
318          */
319         public void randomLookup() {
320                 findNode(0,true);
321         }
322         /**
323          * Handles an incomming task
324          * @param task The task we need to handle
325          */
326         public void handleTask(Task task) {
327                 if (task instanceof KademliaTask) {
328                         table.update(((KademliaTask) task).getSenderId());
329                         if (task instanceof FindNodeTask) {
330                                 handleFindNode((FindNodeTask)task);
331                         }
332                         else if (task instanceof PingTask) {
333                                 handlePing((PingTask)task);
334                         }
335                 }
336         }
337         public void handleFindNode(FindNodeTask task) {
338                 Msg.debug("Received a FIND_NODE from " + task.getSenderId());
339                 Answer answer = table.findClosest(task.getDestination());
340                 FindNodeAnswerTask taskToSend = new FindNodeAnswerTask(this.id,task.getDestination(),answer);
341                 taskToSend.dsend(Integer.toString(task.getSenderId()));
342         }
343         public void handlePing(PingTask task) {
344                 Msg.debug("Received a PING from " + task.getSenderId());
345                 PingAnswerTask taskToSend = new PingAnswerTask(this.id);
346                 taskToSend.dsend(Integer.toString(task.getSenderId()));
347         }
350 }