Uses of Class

Uses of Grid in and.Mapping

Methods in and.Mapping that return Grid
static Grid Utils.createGridG5k(java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _an)
          Creation of the representation of the grid, according to clusters into sites.
static Grid Utils.readGrid(java.lang.String _file)
          Read a Grid graph from a file.

Methods in and.Mapping with parameters of type Grid
static void Utils.writeGrid(Grid _gl, java.lang.String _file, java.lang.String _path)
          Write the Grid object in an XML file.

Constructors in and.Mapping with parameters of type Grid
Algo(Graph _gr, Grid _gl)
DefaultMapping(Graph _gr, Grid _gd, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _gnodes)
LSM(Graph _gr, Grid _gl)
LSM(Graph _gr, Grid _gl, double _dep_min)
QM(Graph _gr, Grid _gd, double _f)
Simple(Graph _gr, Grid _gd)