Uses of Class

Uses of GTask in and.Mapping

Methods in and.Mapping that return GTask
 GTask Association.getGTask()
          Return the associated task.
 GTask Mapping.removeGNode(GNode _deadNode)
          Remove a failed node from the mapping.

Methods in and.Mapping that return types with arguments of type GTask
 java.util.ArrayList<GTask> GTask.getDependencies()
          Return the task's dependencies list.
 java.util.ArrayList<GTask> Graph.getGraph()
          Return the graph in a tasks list form.
 java.util.ArrayList<GTask> Association.getGtask()
          Return the associated tasks list.

Methods in and.Mapping with parameters of type GTask
 void GTask.addDependance(GTask _t)
          Add a dependency to the task.
 void Graph.addGTask(GTask t)
          Add a task in the interaction graph.

Method parameters in and.Mapping with type arguments of type GTask
 void GTask.addDependance(java.util.ArrayList<GTask> at)
          Add a dependencies list to the task.
 void Mapping.addMapping(Cluster c, java.util.ArrayList<GTask> at)
          Add in the mapping an association between a cluster and tasks set.

Constructors in and.Mapping with parameters of type GTask
Association(GNode _g, GTask _t)

Constructor parameters in and.Mapping with type arguments of type GTask
Association(Cluster _c, java.util.ArrayList<GTask> _at)