Uses of Class

Uses of GNode in and.Mapping

Methods in and.Mapping that return GNode
static GNode Utils.createGNode()
          Creation of the representation of the node in the Mapping point of view.
 GNode Association.getGNode()
          Return the associated computing node.
 GNode LSM.getOtherGNode()
 GNode Simple.getOtherGNode()
 GNode QM.getOtherGNode()
abstract  GNode Algo.getOtherGNode()
          Find a new node, which may not takes part into the computation process.
 GNode DefaultMapping.getOtherGNode()
 GNode Cluster.nextGNode()
          Return the next computing node in the cluster, according to the indice variable.
 GNode LSM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode Simple.replaceNode(GNode replaced, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode QM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
abstract  GNode Algo.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
          Replace a fallen node by a new one, according to the mapping policy.
 GNode DefaultMapping.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)

Methods in and.Mapping that return types with arguments of type GNode
 java.util.ArrayList<GNode> Grid.getGNodes()
          Return the list of computing nodes in the grid.
 java.util.ArrayList<GNode> Cluster.getGNodes()
          Return the list of computing nodes which are in the cluster.
 java.util.ArrayList<GNode> Mapping.getMappedGNodes()
          Return the list of GNodes on which tasks are mapped, in order of the task number.

Methods in and.Mapping with parameters of type GNode
 void Cluster.addGNode(GNode _n)
          Adding a computing node to the cluster.
 double Grid.getDistance(GNode _g1, GNode _g2)
          Compute and return the distance between two clusters.
 boolean Cluster.isIn(GNode _g)
          Test if a computing node is in the cluster.
 void Grid.removeGNode(GNode _dead)
          Remove a computing node from the grid.
 GTask Mapping.removeGNode(GNode _deadNode)
          Remove a failed node from the mapping.
 void Cluster.removeGNode(GNode _dead)
          Remove a failed node from the cluster.
 GNode LSM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode Simple.replaceNode(GNode replaced, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode QM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
abstract  GNode Algo.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
          Replace a fallen node by a new one, according to the mapping policy.
 GNode DefaultMapping.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)

Method parameters in and.Mapping with type arguments of type GNode
static Grid Utils.createGridG5k(java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _an)
          Creation of the representation of the grid, according to clusters into sites.
 GNode LSM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode Simple.replaceNode(GNode replaced, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 GNode QM.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
abstract  GNode Algo.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
          Replace a fallen node by a new one, according to the mapping policy.
 GNode DefaultMapping.replaceNode(GNode _dead, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _ag)
 void Grid.updateGrid(java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _gnodes)
          Plop !!

Constructors in and.Mapping with parameters of type GNode
Association(GNode _g, GTask _t)

Constructor parameters in and.Mapping with type arguments of type GNode
DefaultMapping(Graph _gr, Grid _gd, java.util.ArrayList<GNode> _gnodes)