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Arnaud Giersch

[My face]

IUT de Belfort-Montbéliard
Département Informatique
19, avenue du Maréchal Juin
BP 527
F-90016 Belfort Cedex

Office: F 147
E-mail: arnaud.giersch@univ-fcomte.fr
Tel: +33 (0)3 84 58 77 87

University of Franche-Comté

FEMTO-ST Institute

DISC Department

AND group (Distributed Numerical Algorithms)

[Curriculum vitae] [Publications] [Current Research Projects] [Teaching (in French)]

Curriculum vitae

Since September 2005, I am Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department of the IUT (University Institute of Technology) of Belfort-Montbéliard (University of Franche-Comté). Previously, I was an A.T.E.R. (Assistant Lecturer and Researcher) in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the Louis Pasteur University from Strasbourg.

I defended my PhD thesis the 22nd of December, 2004. My thesis work (Scheduling Tasks Sharing Data on Heterogeneous Platforms) was done at the ICPS (Scientific and Parallel Computing and Imaging) research group of the LSIIT laboratory (Image Sciences, Computer Sciences and Remote Sensing Laboratory), under the supervision of Guy-René Perrin. My thesis was co-supervised by Stéphane Genaud and Frédéric Vivien

I am currently a member of the AND research group (Distributed Numerical Algorithms) of the DISC Department of the FEMTO-ST Institute. I am interested in scheduling and load balancing problems for distributed heterogeneous platforms.


Here is a list of my publications.

Current Research Projects

I am currently working on load-balancing algorithms by asynchronous diffusion. We are interested by theoretical, as well as practical aspects of these kind of algorithms. Practical experimentations are done through simulations.

I am also involved in the development of the SimGrid simulation framework.


Some course materials can be found there (in French only).

Arnaud Giersch
Last modified: Thu Sep 19 15:08:41 2019

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