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first draft of lua bindings
authormquinson <mquinson@48e7efb5-ca39-0410-a469-dd3cf9ba447f>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 15:31:10 +0000 (15:31 +0000)
committermquinson <mquinson@48e7efb5-ca39-0410-a469-dd3cf9ba447f>
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 15:31:10 +0000 (15:31 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/simgrid/simgrid/trunk@7009 48e7efb5-ca39-0410-a469-dd3cf9ba447f

src/bindings/lua/Msglua.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bindings/lua/deploy.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bindings/lua/tasklua.lua [new file with mode: 0644]
src/bindings/lua/tasktest.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/bindings/lua/Msglua.h b/src/bindings/lua/Msglua.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c484dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lualib.h"
+// Msg Includes
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "msg/msg.h"         
+#include "xbt/sysdep.h"        
+#include "xbt/log.h"
+#include "xbt/asserts.h"
+       Example Lua Bindings for Msg
+#define TASK "Task"
+#define HOST "Host"
+#define PROCESS "Process"
+typedef m_task_t Task;
+typedef m_host_t Host;
+typedef m_process_t Process;
+//**********************************************************TASK SECTION***************************************************
+static Task toTask(lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Task *pi = (Task*) lua_touserdata(L,index);
+       if(pi == NULL) luaL_typerror(L,index,TASK);
+       return *pi;
+       }
+*checkTask ensures that a userdata on the stack is the correct type, and returns the Task pointer inside the userdata
+static Task checkTask (lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Task *pi,tk;
+       luaL_checktype(L,index,LUA_TUSERDATA);
+       pi = (Task*)luaL_checkudata(L,index,TASK);
+       if(pi == NULL ) luaL_typerror(L,index,TASK);
+       tk = *pi;
+       if(!tk)
+               luaL_error(L,"null Task");
+       return  tk;
+       }
+*pushTask leaves a new userdata on top of the stack, sets its metatable, and sets the Task pointer inside the userdata.
+static Task *pushTask (lua_State *L,Task tk)
+       {
+       Task *pi = (Task*)lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(Task));
+       *pi=tk;
+       luaL_getmetatable(L,TASK);
+       lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+       return pi;
+       }
+*Task.new is a constructor that returns a userdata containing a pointer the Task to be manipulated
+static int Task_new(lua_State* L)
+       {
+       char *name=luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       int comp_size = luaL_checkint(L,2);
+       int msg_size = luaL_checkint(L,3);
+       // We Will Set The Data as a Null for The Moment
+       pushTask(L,MSG_task_create(name,comp_size,msg_size,NULL));
+       return 1;               
+       }
+* Function to return the Task Name
+static int Task_name(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Task tk = checkTask(L,1);
+       lua_pushstring(L,MSG_task_get_name(tk));
+       return 1;
+       }
+* Function to return the Computing Size of a Task
+static int Task_comp(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Task tk = checkTask(L,1);
+       lua_pushnumber(L,MSG_task_get_compute_duration (tk));
+       return 1;
+       }
+*Function to Excute a Task
+static int Task_execute(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Task tk = checkTask(L,1);
+       int res = MSG_task_execute(tk);
+       lua_pushnumber(L,res);
+       return 1;
+       }
+*Function ro Desroy a Task
+static int Task_destroy(lua_State *L)
+       {       
+       Task tk = checkTask(L,1);
+       int res = MSG_task_destroy(tk);
+       lua_pushnumber(L,res);
+       return 1;
+       }
+//***************************************************************  HOST SECTION  ***************************************************************************
+static Host toHost(lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Host *pi = (Host*) lua_touserdata(L,index);
+       if(pi == NULL) luaL_typerror(L,index,HOST);
+       return *pi;
+       }
+static Host checkHost (lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Host *pi,ht;
+       luaL_checktype(L,index,LUA_TUSERDATA);
+       pi = (Host*)luaL_checkudata(L,index,HOST);
+       if(pi == NULL ) luaL_typerror(L,index,HOST);
+       ht = *pi;
+       if(!ht)
+               luaL_error(L,"null Host");
+       return  ht;
+       }
+static Host *pushHost (lua_State *L,Host ht)
+       {
+       Host *pi = (Host*)lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(Host));
+       *pi=ht;
+       luaL_getmetatable(L,HOST);
+       lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+       return pi;
+       }
+static int Host_new(lua_State* L)
+       {
+       char *host_name=luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       pushHost(L,MSG_get_host_by_name(host_name));
+       return 1;               
+       }
+static int Host_name(lua_State* L)
+       {
+       Host ht = checkHost(L,1);
+       lua_pushstring(L,MSG_host_get_name(ht));        
+       return 1;
+       }
+//*******************************************************   PROCESS SECTION      ***************************************************************************
+static Process toProcess(lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Process *pi = (Process*) lua_touserdata(L,index);
+       if(pi == NULL) luaL_typerror(L,index,PROCESS);
+       return *pi;
+       }
+static Process checkProcess (lua_State *L,int index)
+       {
+       Process *pi,ps;
+       luaL_checktype(L,index,LUA_TUSERDATA);
+       pi = (Process*)luaL_checkudata(L,index,PROCESS);
+       if(pi == NULL ) luaL_typerror(L,index,PROCESS);
+       ps = *pi;
+       if(!ps)
+               luaL_error(L,"null Process");
+       return  ps;
+       }
+static Process *pushProcess (lua_State *L,Process ps)
+       {
+       Process *pi = (Process*)lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(Process));
+       *pi=ps;
+       luaL_getmetatable(L,PROCESS);
+       lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+       return pi;
+       }
+m_process_t MSG_process_create         (       const char *     name,
+               xbt_main_func_t         code,
+               void *          data,
+               m_host_t        host     
+       )       
+static int Process_new(lua_State* L)
+       {
+       char *name=luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       //int code = luaL_checkint(L,2);
+       //xbt_main_func_t << code  
+       // We Will Set The Data as a Null for The Moment
+       Host ht = checkHost(L,4); 
+       pushProcess(L,MSG_process_create(name,NULL,NULL,ht));
+       return 1;               
+       }
+static int Process_kill(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Process ps = checkProcess (L,1);
+       MSG_process_kill(ps);
+       return 0;
+       }
+//**********************************************************MSG Operating System Functions******************************************************************
+* Function to Send a Task
+static void Task_send(lua_State *L)    {
+  Task tk = checkTask(L,1);
+       char *mailbox = luaL_checkstring(L,2);
+  int res = MSG_task_send(tk,mailbox);
+* Function to Get ( Recieve !! ) a Task
+static int Task_recv(lua_State *L)     {
+  m_task_t tk = NULL;
+       char *mailbox = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       int res = MSG_task_receive(&tk,mailbox);
+       pushTask(L,tk);
+       return 1;
+//*******************************************************   PLATFORM & APPLICATION SECTION  ****************************************************************
+ //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WE WONT NEED IT (!!??) 
+* Launch Application Function
+static int launch_application(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       const char * file = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       MSG_launch_application(file);
+       return 0;
+       }
+* Create Environment Function
+static int create_environment(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       const char *file = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
+       MSG_create_environment(file);
+       return 0;
+       }
+* Function Register
+static int function_register()
+       {
+       //Code ??!!!
+       }
+//******************************************************************       REGISTERING          ************************************************************
+*Registering Into Lua
+static const luaL_reg Task_methods[] = {
+{"new",                Task_new},
+{"name",       Task_name},
+{"comp",       Task_comp},
+{"execute",    Task_execute},
+{"destroy",    Task_destroy},
+{"send",               Task_send},
+{"recv",               Task_recv},
+static const luaL_reg Host_methods[] = {
+{"new",                Host_new},
+{"name",       Host_name},
+static const luaL_reg Process_methods[] = {
+{"new",                Process_new},
+{"kill",       Process_kill},
+* Task_meta
+static int Task_gc(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Task tk=toTask(L,1);
+       if (tk) MSG_task_destroy(tk);
+       printf("GoodBye Task(%p)\n",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 0; 
+       }
+static int Task_tostring(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       lua_pushfstring(L,"Task :%p",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 1;       
+       }
+static const luaL_reg Task_meta[] = {
+       {"__gc",        Task_gc},
+       {"__tostring",  Task_tostring},
+       {0,0}
+* Host_meta
+static int Host_gc(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Host ht=toHost(L,1);
+       if (ht) ht=NULL;
+       printf("GoodBye Host(%p)\n",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 0; 
+       }
+static int Host_tostring(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       lua_pushfstring(L,"Host :%p",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 1;       
+       }
+static const luaL_reg Host_meta[] = {
+       {"__gc",        Host_gc},
+       {"__tostring",  Host_tostring},
+       {0,0}
+* Process_meta
+static int Process_gc(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       Process ps=toProcess(L,1);
+       if (ps) MSG_process_kill(ps) ;
+       printf("GoodBye Process(%p)\n",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 0; 
+       }
+static int Process_tostring(lua_State *L)
+       {
+       lua_pushfstring(L,"Process :%p",lua_touserdata(L,1));
+       return 1;       
+       }
+static const luaL_reg Process_meta[] = {
+       {"__gc",        Process_gc},
+       {"__tostring",  Process_tostring},
+       {0,0}
+*The metatable for the userdata is put in the registry, and the __index field points to the table of methods so that the object:method() syntax will work. The methods table is stored in the table of globals so that scripts can add methods written in Lua. 
+* Task Register
+int Task_register(lua_State *L)
+       {       
+       luaL_openlib(L,TASK,Task_methods,0); //create methods table,add it to the globals
+       luaL_newmetatable(L,TASK); //create metatable for Task,add it to the Lua registry
+       luaL_openlib(L,0,Task_meta,0);// fill metatable
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__index");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    //dup methods table
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       //matatable.__index = methods
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__metatable");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    //dup methods table
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       //hide metatable:metatable.__metatable = methods 
+       lua_pop(L,1);           //drop metatable
+       return 1;
+       }
+* Host Register
+int Host_register(lua_State *L)
+       {       
+       luaL_openlib(L,HOST,Host_methods,0); 
+       luaL_newmetatable(L,HOST); 
+       luaL_openlib(L,0,Host_meta,0);
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__index");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__metatable");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       
+       lua_pop(L,1);           
+       return 1;
+       }
+*  Process Register
+int Process_register(lua_State *L)
+       {       
+       luaL_openlib(L,PROCESS,Process_methods,0); 
+       luaL_newmetatable(L,PROCESS); 
+       luaL_openlib(L,0,Host_meta,0);
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__index");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       
+       lua_pushliteral(L,"__metatable");
+       lua_pushvalue(L,-3);    
+       lua_rawset(L,-3);       
+       lua_pop(L,1);           
+       return 1;
+       }
diff --git a/src/bindings/lua/deploy.xml b/src/bindings/lua/deploy.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5fab3dc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM "simgrid.dtd">
+<platform version="2">
+  <!-- The master process (with some arguments) -->
+  <process host="Tremblay" function="master">
+     <argument value="20"/>       <!-- Number of tasks -->
+     <argument value="50000000"/>  <!-- Computation size of tasks -->
+     <argument value="1000000"/>   <!-- Communication size of tasks -->
+     <argument value="5"/>  <!-- Amount of slaves -->
+  </process>
+  <!-- The slave process (with no argument) -->
+  <process host="Tremblay" function="slave">
+    <argument value="0"/>
+  </process>
+  <process host="Jupiter" function="slave">
+    <argument value="1"/>
+  </process>
+  <process host="Fafard" function="slave">
+    <argument value="2"/>
+  </process>
+  <process host="Ginette" function="slave">
+    <argument value="3"/>
+  </process>
+  <process host="Bourassa" function="slave">
+    <argument value="4"/>
+  </process>
diff --git a/src/bindings/lua/tasklua.lua b/src/bindings/lua/tasklua.lua
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ece8bb3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+function getn(t)
+  if type(t.n) == "number" then return t.n end
+  local max=0
+  for i,_ in to do
+    if type(i) == "number" and i>max then max=i end
+  end
+  t.n = max
+  return max
+--Master Function
+function master(...) 
+print("Hello from lua, I'm the master")
+for i,v in ipairs(arg) do
+    print("Got "..v)
+t_tasks={}   --tasks table
+t_slaves={}  --slaves table
+nb_task = arg[1];
+comp_size = arg[2];
+comm_size = arg[3];
+-- Let's Create the tasks to dispatch
+for i=1,nb_task do
+  t_tasks[i] = Task.new("Task "..i,comp_size,comm_size); --data set to NULL
+-- Process Organisation
+print("Argc="..argc.." (should be 8)")
+slave_count = getn(arg) -3;
+for i=4,argc do
+slv_name = arg[i];
+t_slaves[i - 3] = Host.new(slv_name);
+-- do not do directly that : t_slaves[i - 4] = Host.new(argv[i]); 
+-- Print List Of Tasks / Slaves
+for  i=1,nb_task do
+todo = Task.name(t_tasks[i]);
+print(i % slave_count+1);
+slv = Host.name(t_slaves[i % slave_count+1]);
+print ( "Sending : " .. todo .. " To : " .. slv);
+for i=1,nb_task do
+tk_name = Task.name(t_tasks[i]);
+ht_name = Host.name(t_slaves[i]);
+print("Sending  " .. tk_name .." To " .. ht_name);
+Task.send(t_task[i],"slave "..(i%slave_count));
+--Slave Function ---------------------------------------------------------
+function slave(...)
+my_mailbox="slave "..arg[1]
+print("Hello from lua, I'm a poor slave with mbox: "..my_mailbox)
+while true do
+  tk = Task.recv(my_mailbox);
+  print("Got something");
+  --testing res !!!!
+  tk_name = Task.name(tk)
+  if (tk_name == "finalize") then
+    Task.destroy(tk);
+   end
+  print("Processing "..Task.name(tk))
+  Task.execute(tk);
+  print(Task.name(tk) .. "Done")
+  Task.destroy(tk);
+end -- while
+print("I'm Done . See You !!");
+end -- function ----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/bindings/lua/tasktest.c b/src/bindings/lua/tasktest.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2d90301
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include "Msglua.h"
+// *** Testing Stuff !!
+    "Messages specific for this msg example");
+int master_lua(int argc, char *argv[]); 
+int slave_lua(int argc, char *argv[]); 
+int load_lua(char * file);
+//int forwarder(int argc, char *argv[]); LUA
+MSG_error_t test_all(const char *platform_file, const char *application_file);
+typedef enum {
+  PORT_22 = 0,
+} channel_t;
+lua_State *L;
+//***************************** LOAD LUA *************************************************
+int load_lua(char * luaFile) {
+  L = lua_open();
+  luaL_openlibs(L);
+  // Lua Stuff
+  Task_register(L);
+  Host_register(L);
+  Process_register(L);
+  if (luaL_loadfile(L, luaFile) || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0)) {
+    printf("error while parsing %s: %s", luaFile, lua_tostring(L, -1));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int lua_wrapper(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  // Table that Lua will read to read Arguments
+  lua_newtable(L);
+  // Seek the right lua function
+  lua_getglobal(L,argv[0]);
+  if(!lua_isfunction(L,-1)) {
+    lua_pop(L,1);
+    ERROR1("The lua function %s does not seem to exist",argv[0]);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // push arguments onto the stack
+  int i;
+  for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
+    lua_pushstring(L,argv[i]);
+  // Call the function
+  lua_call(L,argc-1,0); // takes argc-1 argument, returns nothing
+  // User process terminated
+  lua_pop(L, 1);
+  return 0;
+int main(int argc,char * argv[])
+  MSG_error_t res = MSG_OK;
+  MSG_global_init(&argc, argv);
+  if(argc < 4)
+  {
+    printf("Usage: %s platform_file deployment_file lua_script\n", argv[0]);
+    printf("example: %s msg_platform.xml msg_deployment.xml script_lua.lua\n", argv[0]);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  load_lua(argv[3]);
+  /* MSG_config("surf_workstation_model","KCCFLN05"); */
+  MSG_create_environment(argv[1]);
+  MSG_function_register_default(&lua_wrapper);
+  MSG_launch_application(argv[2]);
+  MSG_set_channel_number(10);
+  res = MSG_main();
+  INFO1("Simulation time %g", MSG_get_clock());
+  MSG_clean();
+  lua_close(L);
+  if (res == MSG_OK)
+    return 0;
+  else
+    return 1;