cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) PROJECT(SimgridProject) # --------------------- OPTIONS OF THE PROJECT ----------------------------- OPTION( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build SimGrid with shared libraries." ON ) OPTION( SIMGRID_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build SimGrid examples." ON ) OPTION( SIMGRID_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build the users manual documentation." OFF ) OPTION( SIMGRID_WITH_PTHREAD "Use pthread as context support." OFF ) OPTION( SIMGRID_USE_GTNETS "Build SimGrid with GTNets support." OFF ) ### Check 32bits or 64bits INCLUDE (CheckTypeSize) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int" SIZEOF_INT) IF(SIZEOF_INT EQUAL 4) SET(ARCH_32_BITS 1) ELSE(SIZEOF_INT EQUAL 4) SET(ARCH_64_BITS 1) ENDIF(SIZEOF_INT EQUAL 4) INCLUDE(CTestConfig.txt) ### Enable tests ENABLE_TESTING() INCLUDE(CTest) INCLUDE(Dart) INCLUDE(CTestList.txt) # Install the CTest configuration in the build dir configure_file(CTestCustom.ctest ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.ctest COPYONLY) #SET (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX 1) #SET (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC 1)