# Copyright (c) 2004-2007. The SimGrid team. All right reserved. # This file is part of the SimGrid project. This is free software: # You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU LGPL (v2.1) licence. DOCSOURCES = $(shell find @top_srcdir@/tools/gras @top_srcdir@/src @top_srcdir@/include -name "*.[chl]") \ $(shell find @srcdir@ -name "*.doc" |grep -v logcategories.doc) FIGS=simgrid_modules.fig simgrid_modules2.fig amok_bw_test.fig amok_bw_sat.fig gras_comm.fig PNGS=$(patsubst %.fig,%.png,$(FIGS)) webcruft/simgrid_logo.png webcruft/simgrid_logo_small.png webcruft/poster_thumbnail.png EXTRA_DIST = html Doxyfile \ modules.doc FAQ.doc contrib.doc index.doc publis.doc publis2.doc footer.html history.doc \ $(foreach file,$(FIGS),fig/$(file)) $(PNGS) all.bib CLEANFILES = .*.toc DISTCLEANFILES = index-API.doc simgrid.tag MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = html if MAINTAINER_MODE if HAVE_DOXYGEN simgrid_modules.map: fig/simgrid_modules.fig fig2dev -Lmap fig/simgrid_modules.fig | grep -e IMG -e MAP -e AREA | \ sed 's/imagemap/simgrid_modules/g' | sed 's/\.gif/.png/' | \ sed 's/ simgrid_modules.map %.png: fig/%.fig fig2dev -Lpng $^ > $@ html: Doxyfile ./logcategories.doc simgrid_modules.map $(PNGS) $(DOCSOURCES) \ html/gras.html html/amok.html html/msg.html html/simdag.html \ publis_core_bib.html publis_extern_bib.html publis_intra_bib.html publis_count.html : # Setting up touch index-API.doc .FAQ.doc.toc .index.doc.toc .contrib.doc.toc .history.doc.toc test -e html || mkdir html cp $(foreach file,$(PNGS),@srcdir@/$(file)) html/ cp @srcdir@/webcruft/Paje_MSG_screenshot_thn.jpg @srcdir@/webcruft/Paje_MSG_screenshot.jpg html/ cp @srcdir@/simgrid.css html/ : # First pass doxygen Doxyfile >/dev/null @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/index_create.pl simgrid.tag index-API.doc @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/toc_create.pl \ @srcdir@/FAQ.doc @srcdir@/index.doc @srcdir@/contrib.doc \ @srcdir@/gtut-introduction.doc @srcdir@/history.doc : # Second pass doxygen Doxyfile >/dev/null : # Post-processing rm -f html/dir* @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/index_php.pl @srcdir@/index.php.in html/index.html index.php @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/doxygen_postprocesser.pl html/gras.html: mkdir -p html echo "" > $@ echo "

Grid Reality And Simulation.

" >> $@ html/amok.html: echo "" > $@ echo "

Advanced Metacomputing Overlay Kit.

" >> $@ html/msg.html: echo "" > $@ echo "

Meta SimGrid.

" >> $@ html/simdag.html: echo "" > $@ echo "

DAG Simulator.

" >> $@ if HAVE_BIBTEX2HTML publis_count.html: all.bib @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/bibtex2html_table_count.pl < $^ > $@ publis_core.bib: all.bib $(BIBTOOL) -- 'select.by.string={category "core"}' -- 'preserve.key.case={on}' -- 'preserve.keys={on}' $< > $@ publis_extern.bib: all.bib $(BIBTOOL) -- 'select.by.string={category "extern"}' -- 'preserve.key.case={on}' -- 'preserve.keys={on}' $< > $@ publis_intra.bib: all.bib $(BIBTOOL) -- 'select.by.string={category "intra"}' -- 'preserve.key.case={on}' -- 'preserve.keys={on}' $< > $@ %_bib.latin1.html: %.bib $(BIBTEX2HTML) -single-output -nv -force -sort year -copy-icons $^ | @top_srcdir@/tools/doxygen/bibtex2html_postprocessor.pl > $@ %_bib.html: %_bib.latin1.html $(ICONV) --from-code latin1 --to-code utf8 $^ --output $@ endif publish: $(MAKE) -C .. sync-gforge endif endif ./logcategories.doc: $(DOCSOURCES) pwd=`pwd`; rm -f $$pwd/logcategories.doc; set -e; \ echo "/* Generated file, do not edit */" > $$pwd/logcategories.doc; \ echo "/** \addtogroup XBT_log_cats" >> $$pwd/logcategories.doc; \ echo " @{" >> $$pwd/logcategories.doc; \ cd @top_srcdir@/src; ../tools/doxygen/xbt_log_extract_hierarchy.pl >> $$pwd/logcategories.doc; \ echo "@}*/" >> $$pwd/logcategories.doc; install-data-local: @for file in `find html/ -type d` ; do \ echo "test -z \"$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file\" || $(mkdir_p) \"$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file\"";\ test -z "$(DESTDIR)/$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file" || $(mkdir_p) "$(DESTDIR)/$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file";\ done @for file in `find html/ -type f` ; do \ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) '$$file' '$(DESTDIR)/$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file'";\ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)/$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file ;\ done uninstall-local: for file in `find html/ -type f` ; do \ echo " rm -f '$(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file'";\ rm -f $(prefix)/doc/simgrid/$$file ;\ done check-gtut-tocs: @echo Check individual TOCs @for n in gtut-tour-*.doc ; do \ sed -n '/Table of Contents/,/hr/p' $$n|grep ref > tmp.curtoc; \ \ grep -E '\\s?u?b?section' $$n | grep -v _toc| \ sed -e 's/\\section //' -e 's/\\subsection /subsection/' -e 's/ .*//' |\ sed -e 's/^/ - \\ref /' -e 's/- \\ref subsection/ - \\ref /' > tmp.realtoc; \ \ if ! diff -q tmp.curtoc tmp.realtoc >/dev/null; then \ echo Wrong toc for $$n. Should be ; \ cat tmp.realtoc; \ fi ; \ done @rm tmp.realtoc tmp.curtoc @echo "Check main TOC" @for n in gtut-tour-*doc; do \ grep @page $$n |sed -e 's/@page //' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^/ - \\ref /' >>tmp.realtoc;\ sed -n -e '/Table of Contents/,/hr/p' $$n|sed -e 's/^/ /'|\ grep -v toc|grep -v '
'|grep [^[:blank:]] >>tmp.realtoc;\ done @grep ' *- \\ref' gtut-tour.doc > tmp.curtoc @if ! diff -b -u tmp.curtoc tmp.realtoc ; then \ echo "Wrong toc for gtut-tour.doc Right one is in tmp.realtoc"; \ else \ rm tmp.realtoc; \ fi ; @rm tmp.curtoc .PHONY: html html/ include $(top_srcdir)/acmacro/dist-files.mk