This is a very simple example to explain how to compile with simgrid. 1) How to compile an example: (HelloWorld) - Run windows shell "cmd". - Open HelloWorld Directory ('cd' command line). - Create a build directory and change directory. (optional) - Type 'cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" ' - Run mingw32-make - You should obtain a runnable example ("HelloWorld.exe"). 2) Content of this directory - HelloWorld.c The example source file. - CMakeLists.txt It allows to configure the project. - FindPCRE.cmake Simgrid needs pcre regular expression. This finds and links to the pcre library (Normally included into Simgrid directory "GnuWin32"). - README This explaination. 3) How to add and compile a new example - Put your source file into the helloWord directory. - Edit CMakeLists.txt : * In the Targets section add those two lines: add_executable(TARGET_NAME SOURCES) target_link_libraries(TARGET_NAME simgrid pcre) * It creates a target called 'TARGET_NAME.exe' with the sources 'SOURCES'. - To initialize your project, you'll need to run 'cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" .' - To build you project, run "cmake ." - Run "gmake" - You should obtain "TARGET_NAME.exe".