######################################################################################################################## # # Project : w32_makefile # # Description : it's the make file used to build the Windows SimGrid dynamic link library (DLL) and the files # that come with (the static library SimGrid.lib, the program database (PDB) file that holds # debugging information used to display the Windows backtrace. # # Note : [(1) the manifest of the SimGrid is directly embeded in the DLL ] # : [(2) both C code and C++ (the MSG wrappers) code are linked in the same library ] # # Compiler (CL.EXE) version :Microsoft Compiler (R) 32 bits C/C++ version 14.00.50727.42 for 80x86 # # Command line : nmake -f w32_makefile [all] # # Author : Abdelmalek CHERIER ######################################################################################################################## # The name of the libray LIBRARY=simgrid.dll real_all: $(LIBRARY) # The default global goal all: cd C:\buildslave\projects\simgrid\builddir\build\build\vc7\simgrid $(MAKE) real_all ######################################################################################################################## # # C source files section # # Note : [(1) This section contains all the names of the C source file of the project. ] # [ (2) All new C source files must be added in this section. ] # ######################################################################################################################## CSRC= ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_virtu.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_strbuff.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_str.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_sg_time.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_sg_synchro.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_queue.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_peer.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_os_time.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_os_thread.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_matrix.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_main.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_log_layout_simple.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_log_layout_format.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_log_appender_file.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_context_thread.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_context_java.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\xbt_context.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\workstation_ptask_L07.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\workstation.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Transport\transport_plugin_sg.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Transport\transport.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\trace_mgr.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\timer.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\task.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\swag.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\surfxml_parse.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\surf_timer.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\surf.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\snprintf.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_synchro.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_process.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_host.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_global.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_environment.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_deployment.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_config.c \ ..\..\..\src\simix\smx_action.c \ simgrid.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Transport\sg_transport.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Virtu\sg_process.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\sg_msg.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Virtu\sg_emul.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Virtu\sg_dns.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\set.c \ ..\..\..\src\simdag\sd_workstation.c \ ..\..\..\src\simdag\sd_task.c \ ..\..\..\src\simdag\sd_link.c \ ..\..\..\src\simdag\sd_global.c \ ..\..\..\src\amok\Bandwidth\saturate.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\rpc.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\random_mgr.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Virtu\process.c \ ..\..\..\src\amok\PeerManagement\peermanagement.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\network_constant.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\network.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\msg_mailbox.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\msg_config.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\maxmin.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\mallocator.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\m_process.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\log.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\lagrange.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jxbt_utilities.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg_task.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg_process.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg_host.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg_channel.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg_application_handler.c \ ..\..\..\src\java\jmsg.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\host.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\heap.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\gras_msg_types.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\gras_msg_mod.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\gras_msg_listener.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Msg\gras_msg_exchange.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\Virtu\gras_module.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\gras.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\graphxml_parse.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\graph.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\gos.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\global.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\fifo.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\fair_bottleneck.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\ex.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\environment.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\dynar.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\dict_multi.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\dict_elm.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\dict_cursor.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\dict.c \ ..\..\..\src\msg\deployment.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\ddt_parse.yy.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\ddt_parse.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\ddt_exchange.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\ddt_create.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\ddt_convert.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\datadesc.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\cunit.c \ ..\..\..\src\surf\cpu.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\config.c \ ..\..\..\src\gras\DataDesc\cbps.c \ ..\..\..\src\amok\Bandwidth\bandwidth.c \ ..\..\..\src\xbt\asserts.c \ ..\..\..\src\amok\amok_base.c ######################################################################################################################## # # C++ source files (Wrappers) section # # Note : [(1) This section contains all the names of the C++ source file of the project. ] # [ (2) All new C++ source files must be added in this section. ] # ######################################################################################################################## CXXSRC = ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgApplication.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgApplicationHandler.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\BadAllocException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\ClassNotFoundException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgEnvironment.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\Exception.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\FileNotFoundException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\HostNotFoundException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\InvalidArgumentException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\LogicException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\Msg.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\NullPointerException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\Object.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\OutOfBoundsException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgProcess.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\ProcessNotFoundException.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgSimulation.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\StringHelper.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgTask.cxx \ ..\..\..\src\cxx\MsgHost.cxx ######################################################################################################################## # C compiler flags section # # Flags descriptions : # # -> Od : disable the compiler optimisations # -> Gd : __cdecl calling convention usage # -> RTC1 : enable a run-time check # -> MD : defines _MT and _DLL so that both multithread- and DLL-specific versions of the run-time routines # are selected from the standard header files. This option also causes the compiler to place the library # name MSVCRT.LIB into the object file. # -> Fp : specify precompiled header file name # -> Fo : create an object file # -> Fd : the path of program database file (PDB) # -> FR : generate the browser file (in Debug directory) # -> W3 : warning level (3) # -> c : compile without linking (cl.exe only generate the object file, link.exe do the rest) # -> ZI : include debug information in the program database compatible with Edit and Continue (used by backtrace) # -> TC : it's a C source file (use the C compilation) # # Disable warnings : # # -> 4996 : usage of functions declaraed as deprecated # -> 4244 : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data # -> 4715 : not all control paths of a function return a value # -> 4090 : different 'modifier' qualifiers in the operation # -> 4018 : signed/unsigned mismatch in an expression # # Preprocessor macro descriptions : # # -> _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE : disable deprecation # -> WIN32 : it's a WIN32 DLL # -> _WINDOWS : Windows protected-mode is selected with /GA, /Gw, /GW, /Mq, or /GD # -> _USRDLL : it's a regulare DLL # -> DLL_EXPORT : export all the SimGrid API (__declspec(dllexport) usage) # -> _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600 : it was a Visual C++ 6 project # -> _WINDLL : Windows protected-mode dynamic-link library is selected with /GD # -> _STATIC_CPPLIB : A VOIR # # ######################################################################################################################## CFLAGS = /Gd /Od /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "SIMGRID_EXPORTS" /D "DLL_EXPORT" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600" /D "_WINDLL" /RTC1 /D "_STATIC_CPPLIB" /MD /Fp".\Debug/simgrid.pch" /Fo /Fd".\Debug/" /FR".\Debug\\" /W3 /c /ZI /TC /wd4127 /wd4996 /wd4244 /wd4715 /wd4090 /wd4018 /errorReport:prompt ######################################################################################################################## # C++ compiler flags section # # Flags descriptions : # # -> Ge : activate stack probes # -> Gd : __cdecl calling convention usage # -> Od : disable the compiler optimisations # -> Gm : enable minimal rebuild # -> EHsc : specify the synchronous exception handling model # -> RTC1 : enable a run-time check # -> MD : defines _MT and _DLL so that both multithread- and DLL-specific versions of the run-time routines # are selected from the standard header files. This option also causes the compiler to place the library # name MSVCRT.LIB into the object file. # -> Fp : specify precompiled header file name # -> Fo : create an object file # -> Fd : the path of program database file (PDB) # -> FR : generate the browser file (in Debug directory) # -> W3 : warning level (3) # -> c : compile without linking (cl.exe only generate the object file, link.exe do the rest) # -> ZI : include debug information in the program database compatible with Edit and Continue (used by backtrace) # -> TP : it's a C++ source file (use the C++ compilation) # -> Wp64 : portability problem detection on 64 bits architecture # # Disable warnings : # # -> 4290 : disable the warning thows when a function is declared using exception specification # # Preprocessor macro descriptions : # # -> _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE : disable deprecation # -> _WIN32/WIN32 : it's a WIN32 DLL # -> _WINDOWS : Windows protected-mode is selected with /GA, /Gw, /GW, /Mq, or /GD # -> _USRDLL : it's a regulare DLL # -> DLL_EXPORT : export all the SimGrid API (__declspec(dllexport) usage) # -> _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600 : it was a Visual C++ 6 project # -> _WINDLL : Windows protected-mode dynamic-link library is selected with /GD # -> _STATIC_CPPLIB : use libcpmt.lib instead msvcprt.lib : # -> DLL_STATIC : avoid to export a another time the functions of the SimGrid API # -> SIMGRIDX_EXPORTS : export the C++ Wrapper classes # ######################################################################################################################## CXXFLAGS = /Ge /Gd /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "DLL_STATIC" /D "SIMGRID_EXPORTS" /D "SIMGRIDX_EXPORTS" /D "_WIN32" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_WINDLL" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /D "_STATIC_CPPLIB" /MD /Fo /Fd"Debug\vc80.pdb" /W3 /c /Wp64 /ZI /TP /wd4290 # Include directories # # Note : [ the environment variable INCLUDE must contains the value of the paths of the include directories # of Microsoft Visual C++. Normaly, the installer do that during the installation of Microsoft Visual # C++] INCLUDES = /I..\..\..\include /I..\..\..\src /I..\..\..\src\include /I..\..\..\src\cxx # Libraries to link with LIBS = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib WSOCK32.LIB kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ######################################################################################################################## # # Linker flags to link with. # # The linker build the DLL store it in the Windows system32 directory # It produce the manifest of the DLL, the PDB file and the static library. # # Note : [(1) The static library and the PDB file is stored in the Debug directory ] # [(2) The manifest file is produced and embeded in the DLL by using the tool Mt.exe (see below) ] # ######################################################################################################################## LINKFLAGS = "/OUT:$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll" /INCREMENTAL /DLL /MANIFEST "/MANIFESTFILE:$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll.manifest" /DEBUG "/PDB:.\Debug/simgrid.pdb" "/IMPLIB:.\Debug/simgrid.lib" /MACHINE:X86 # The list of all .obj files to create. OBJS= $(CSRC:.c=.obj) $(CXXSRC:.cxx=.obj) # Link .obj files to create an executable. # # Note : [ the commande : mt /manifest $(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll.manifest /outputresource:$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll;#2 # insert the manifest in a section of the dll (this is used to locate the appropriate crt library] $(LIBRARY): $(OBJS) link -out:$@ $(**F) "/OUT:$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll" /INCREMENTAL /DLL /DEBUG /PDB:".\Debug/simgrid.pdb" /IMPLIB:".\Debug/simgrid.lib" /MACHINE:X86 /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib WSOCK32.LIB kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mt /manifest $(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll.manifest /outputresource:$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\simgrid.dll;#2 # link -out:$@ $(**F) $(LIBS) $(LINKFLAGS) # Create .obj files from .cpp files (ANSI C++) .cxx.obj: cl $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $*.cxx # Create .obj files from .c files (ANSI C) .c.obj: cl $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $*.c