.. _platform: .. raw:: html

Describing your Simulated Platform ################################## In SimGrid, platforms are usually described in XML. This formalism has some drawbacks, but using a specific format ensures that the platform is not mixed with the tested application. This separation of concern :ref:`is a must ` for your Modeling and Simulation (M&S) work. When XML is too limiting, you may describe your platforms using the :ref:`lua bindings ` (it is not yet possible to do so in python or directly in C++). Since we know that writing platform description files is not trivial, we included :ref:`many examples ` in the archive. This documentation also contains some :ref:`hints and howtos `, as well as the full :ref:`XML reference guide `. Any simulated platform must contain **basic elements**, such as hosts, links, storages, etc. SimGrid gives you a great liberty when defining **routing of your platform**, ie the path taken between each pair of hosts. Finally, you may also describe an **experimental scenario**, with qualitative changes (e.g., bandwidth changes representing an external load) and qualitative changes (representing how some elements fail and restart over time). Defining Basic Elements *********************** These are the components of your platform. There is not much to say about the definition of basic elements. Just use the appropriate tags: :ref:`pf_tag_host`, :ref:`pf_tag_link` and :ref:`pf_tag_storage`. Defining a Routing ****************** Performance Profiles and Churn ****************************** .. LocalWords: SimGrid