Dim oShell Dim sInstallDirectory ' The install directory of the simulator Simgrid Dim sCurrentDirectory ' The current directory of the script Dim sCommandLine ' The command line of the application to launch Dim iExitCode ' The exit code of the application to launch Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WSCript.shell") Set oUseEnv = oShell.Environment("USER") ' Get the install directory of Simgrid from the environment variable SG_INSTALL_DIR sInstallDirectory = oUseEnv("SG_INSTALL_DIR") sCurrentDirectory = GetCurrentDirectory() ' Construct the command line of the application to launch sCommandLine = "cmd /K " & sCurrentDirectory & "bin\all2all_simulator " & sInstallDirectory & "\simgrid\examples\msg\small_platform.xml " & sCurrentDirectory & "all2all.xml" iRetVal = oShell.run(sCommandLine,1,True) Set oShell = Nothing Set oWshShell = Nothing ' This function returns the directory of the script Function GetCurrentDirectory() Dim sScriptFullName sScriptFullName = WScript.ScriptFullName GetCurrentDirectory = mid(sScriptFullName,1,InStrRev(sScriptFullName,"\")) End Function