function getn(t) if type(t.n) == "number" then return t.n end local max=0 for i,_ in to do if type(i) == "number" and i>max then max=i end end t.n = max return max end --Master Function function master(...) print("Hello from lua, I'm the master") for i,v in ipairs(arg) do print("Got "..v) end t_tasks={} --tasks table t_slaves={} --slaves table nb_task = arg[1]; comp_size = arg[2]; comm_size = arg[3]; -- Let's Create the tasks to dispatch for i=1,nb_task do t_tasks[i] ="Task "..i,comp_size,comm_size); --data set to NULL end -- Process Organisation argc=getn(arg) print("Argc="..argc.." (should be 8)") slave_count = getn(arg) -3; for i=4,argc do slv_name = arg[i]; t_slaves[i - 3] =; -- do not do directly that : t_slaves[i - 4] =[i]); end -- Print List Of Tasks / Slaves --[[ for i=1,nb_task do todo =[i]); print(i % slave_count+1); slv =[i % slave_count+1]); print ( "Sending : " .. todo .. " To : " .. slv); end ]]-- for i=1,nb_task do tk_name =[i]); ht_name =[i]); print("Sending " .. tk_name .." To " .. ht_name); Task.send(t_task[i],"slave "..(i%slave_count)); print("Sent"); end end --Slave Function --------------------------------------------------------- function slave(...) my_mailbox="slave "..arg[1] print("Hello from lua, I'm a poor slave with mbox: "..my_mailbox) while true do tk = Task.recv(my_mailbox); print("Got something"); --testing res !!!! tk_name = if (tk_name == "finalize") then Task.destroy(tk); end print("Processing " Task.execute(tk); print( .. "Done") Task.destroy(tk); end -- while print("I'm Done . See You !!"); end -- function ---------------------------------------------------------- --]]