# Smpi scatter collectives tests ! setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../lib ! output sort p Test barrier $ ../../smpi_script/bin/smpirun -map -hostfile ${srcdir:=.}/hostfile -platform ${srcdir:=.}/../../examples/msg/small_platform.xml -np 16 --log=xbt_cfg.thres:critical ./barrier_coll > ... Barrier .... > You requested to use 16 processes, but there is only 5 processes in your hostfile... > [0.000000] [surf_config/INFO] Switching workstation model to compound since you changed the network and/or cpu model(s) > [rank 0] -> Tremblay > [rank 10] -> Tremblay > [rank 11] -> Jupiter > [rank 12] -> Fafard > [rank 13] -> Ginette > [rank 14] -> Bourassa > [rank 15] -> Tremblay > [rank 1] -> Jupiter > [rank 2] -> Fafard > [rank 3] -> Ginette > [rank 4] -> Bourassa > [rank 5] -> Tremblay > [rank 6] -> Jupiter > [rank 7] -> Fafard > [rank 8] -> Ginette > [rank 9] -> Bourassa