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.. _platform_reference: DTD Reference ************* Your platform description should follow the specification presented in the `simgrid.dtd `_ DTD file. The same DTD is used for both the platform and deployment files. .. _pf_tag_config: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Adding configuration flags into the platform file is particularly useful when the described platform is best used with specific flags. For example, you could finely tune SMPI in your platform file directly. Almost all :ref:`command-line configuration items ` can be configured this way. **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_platform` (must appear before any other tags) |br| **Children tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_prop` |br| **Attributes:** none .. code-block:: xml |hr| .. _pf_tag_host: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ An host is the computing resource on which an actor can execute. See :cpp:class:`simgrid::s4u::Host`. **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_zone` (only leaf zones, i.e. zones containing no inner zones nor clusters) |br| **Children tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_mount`, :ref:`pf_tag_prop`, :ref:`pf_tag_storage` |br| **Attributes:** :``id``: Host name. Must be unique over the whole platform. :``speed``: Computational power (per core, in flop/s). If you use DVFS, provide a comma-separated list of values for each pstate (see :ref:`howto_dvfs`). :``core``: Amount of cores (default: 1). See :ref:`howto_multicore`. :``availability_file``: File containing the availability profile. Almost every lines of such files describe timed events as ``date ratio``. Example: .. code-block:: python 1 0.5 2 0.2 5 1 LOOPAFTER 8 - At time t=1, half of its power is taken by some background computations, so only 50% of its initial power remains available (0.5 means 50%). - At time t=2, the available power drops at 20% of the total. - At time t=5, the host computes back at full speed. - At time t=10, the history is reset (because that's 5 seconds after the last event). So the available speed will drop at t=11. If your trace does not contain a LOOPAFTER line, then your profile is only executed once and not repetitively. .. warning:: Don't get fooled: Bandwidth and Latency profiles of a :ref:`pf_tag_link` are absolute values, but Availability profiles of :ref:`pf_tag_host` are ratio. :``state_file``: File containing the state profile. Almost every lines of such files describe timed events as ``date boolean``. Example: .. code-block:: python 1 0 2 1 LOOPAFTER 8 - At time t=1, the host is turned off (value 0 means OFF) - At time t=2, it is turned back on (other values means ON) - At time t=10, the history is reset (because that's 8 seconds after the last event). So the host will be turned off again at t=11. If your trace does not contain a LOOPAFTER line, then your profile is only executed once and not repetitively. :``coordinates``: Vivaldi coordinates (Vivaldi zones only). See :ref:`pf_tag_peer`. :``pstate``: Initial pstate (default: 0, the first one). See :ref:`howto_dvfs`. |hr| .. _pf_tag_link: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Network links can represent one-hop network connections (see :cpp:class:`simgrid::s4u::Link`). SimGrid links can be used to represent either a single wire, or to abstract a larger network interconnect in a single element. A single link can for example be used to model the transcontinental network. **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_zone` (both leaf zones and inner zones) |br| **Children tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_prop` |br| **Attributes:** :``id``: Link name. Must be unique over the whole platform. :``bandwidth``: Maximum bandwidth for this link. You must specify the unit as follows. **Units in bytes and powers of 2** (1 KiBps = 1024 Bps): Bps, KiBps, MiBps, GiBps, TiBps, PiBps, EiBps |br| **Units in bits and powers of 2** (1 Bps = 8 bps): bps, Kibps, Mibps, Gibps, Tibps, Pibps, Eibps |br| **Units in bytes and powers of 10:** (1 KBps = 1000 Bps) Bps, KBps, MBps, GBps, TBps, PBps, EBps |br| **Units in bits and powers of 10:** 'Ebps', 'Pbps', 'Tbps', 'Gbps', 'Mbps', 'kbps', 'bps' :``latency``: Latency for this link (default: 0.0). You must specify the unit as follows. ==== =========== ====================== Unit Meaning Duration in seconds ==== =========== ====================== ps picosecond 10⁻¹² = 0.000000000001 ns nanosecond 10⁻⁹ = 0.000000001 us microsecond 10⁻⁶ = 0.000001 ms millisecond 10⁻³ = 0.001 s second 1 m minute 60 h hour 60 * 60 d day 60 * 60 * 24 w week 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ==== =========== ====================== :``sharing_policy``: Sharing policy for the link. Either ``SHARED``, ``FATPIPE`` or ``SPLITDUPLEX`` (default: ``SHARED``). If set to ``SHARED``, the available bandwidth is shared fairly between all flows traversing this link. This tend to model the sharing behavior of UDP or TCP. If set to ``FATPIPE``, the flows have no mutual impact, and each flow can obtain the full bandwidth of this link. This is intended to model the internet backbones that cannot get saturated by your application: you mostly experience their latency. If set to ``SPLITDUPLEX``, the link models cross-traffic effects. Under the ``SHARED`` policy, two flows of reverse direction share the same resource, and can only get half of the bandwidth each. But TCP connections are full duplex, meaning that all both directions can get the full bandwidth. To model this, any link under the ``SPLITDUPLEX`` policy is split in two links (their names are suffixed with "_UP" and "_DOWN"). You must then specify which direction gets actually used when referring to that link in a :ref:`pf_tag_link_ctn`. :``bandwidth_file``: File containing the bandwidth profile. Almost every lines of such files describe timed events as ``date bandwidth`` (in bytes per second). Example: .. code-block:: python 4.0 40000000 8.0 60000000 LOOPAFTER 12.0 - At time t=4, the bandwidth is of 40 MBps. - At time t=8, it raises to 60MBps. - At time t=24, it drops at 40 MBps again. .. warning:: Don't get fooled: Bandwidth and Latency profiles of a :ref:`pf_tag_link` are absolute values, but Availability profiles of :ref:`pf_tag_host` are ratio. :``latency_file``: File containing the latency profile. Almost every lines of such files describe timed events as ``date latency`` (in seconds). Example: .. code-block:: python 1.0 0.001 3.0 0.1 LOOPAFTER 5.0 - At time t=1, the latency is of 1ms (0.001 second) - At time t=3, the latency is of 100ms (0.1 second) - At time t=8 (5 seconds after the last event), the profile loops. - At time t=9 (1 second after the loop reset), the latency is back at 1ms. If your trace does not contain a LOOPAFTER line, then your profile is only executed once and not repetitively. .. warning:: Don't get fooled: Bandwidth and Latency profiles of a :ref:`pf_tag_link` are absolute values, but Availability profiles of :ref:`pf_tag_host` are ratio. :``state_file``: File containing the state profile. See :ref:`pf_tag_host`. |hr| .. _pf_tag_peer: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ This tag represents a peer, as in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. It is handy to model situations where hosts have an asymmetric connectivity. Computers connected through set-to-boxes usually have a much better download rate than their upload rate. To model this, creates and connects several elements: an host, an upload link and a download link. **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_zone` (only with Vivaldi routing) |br| **Children tags:** none |br| **Attributes:** :``id``: Name of the host. Must be unique on the whole platform. :``speed``: Computational power (in flop/s). If you use DVFS, provide a comma-separated list of values for each pstate (see :ref:`howto_dvfs`). :``bw_in``: Bandwidth of the private downstream link, along with its unit. See :ref:`pf_tag_link`. :``bw_out``: Bandwidth of the private upstream link, along with its unit. See :ref:`pf_tag_link`. :``lat``: Latency of both private links. See :ref:`pf_tag_link`. :``coordinates``: Coordinates of the gateway for this peer. The communication latency between an host A=(xA,yA,zA) and an host B=(xB,yB,zB) is computed as follows: latency = sqrt( (xA-xB)² + (yA-yB)² ) + zA + zB See the documentation of :cpp:class:`simgrid::kernel::routing::VivaldiZone` for details on how the latency is computed from the coordinate, and on the the up and down bandwidth are used. :``availability_file``: File containing the availability profile. See the full description in :ref:`pf_tag_host` :``state_file``: File containing the state profile. See the full description in :ref:`pf_tag_host` |hr| .. _pf_tag_platform: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ **Parent tags:** none (this is the root tag of every file) |br| **Children tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_config` (must come first), :ref:`pf_tag_cluster`, :ref:`pf_tag_cabinet`, :ref:`pf_tag_peer`, :ref:`pf_tag_zone`, :ref:`pf_tag_trace`, :ref:`pf_tag_trace_connect` |br| **Attributes:** :``version``: Version of the DTD, describing the whole XML format. This versionning allow future evolutions, even if we avoid backward-incompatible changes. The current version is **4.1**. The ``simgrid_update_xml`` program can upgrade most of the past platform files to the recent formalism. |hr| .. _pf_tag_prop: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ This tag can be used to attach user-defined properties to some platform elements. Both the name and the value can be any string of your wish. You can use this to pass extra parameters to your code and the plugins. From your code, you can interact with these properties using the following functions: - Actor: :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_property` or :cpp:func:`MSG_process_get_property_value` - Cluster: this is a zone, see below. - Host: :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Host::get_property` or :cpp:func:`MSG_host_get_property_value` - Link: :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Link::get_property` - Storage: :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Storage::get_property` or :cpp:func:`MSG_storage_get_property_value` - Zone: :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Zone::get_property` of :cpp:func:`MSG_zone_get_property_value` **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_actor`, :ref:`pf_tag_config`, :ref:`pf_tag_cluster`, :ref:`pf_tag_host`, :ref:`pf_tag_link`, :ref:`pf_tag_storage`, :ref:`pf_tag_zone` |br| **Children tags:** none |br| **Attributes:** :``id``: Name of the defined property. :``value``: Value of the defined property. |hr| .. _pf_tag_router: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ A router is similar to an :ref:`pf_tag_host`, but it cannot contain any actor. It is only useful to some routing algorithms. In particular, they are useful when you want to use the NS3 bindings to break the routes that are longer than 1 hop. **Parent tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_zone` (only leaf zones, i.e. zones containing no inner zones nor clusters) |br| **Children tags:** :ref:`pf_tag_prop`, :ref:`pf_tag_storage` |br| **Attributes:** :``id``: Router name. No other host or router may have the same name over the whole platform. :``coordinates``: Vivaldi coordinates. See :ref:`pf_tag_peer`. .. |br| raw:: html
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