# Valgrind suppressions for stuff that we cannot control # Memory leaks in standard tools (e.g. dash, tail, or sort) { Memory leak in /bin tools Memcheck:Leak ... obj:/bin/* } { Memory leak in /usr/bin tools Memcheck:Leak ... obj:/usr/bin/* } { Memory leak in cmake Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds:reachable ... fun:_ZN4Json5Value13nullSingletonEv obj:*/libjsoncpp.so* ... fun:_dl_init } # There's problem in glibc, where makecontext does not reset the EBP register, # and backtrace goes too far when walking up the stack frames { Invalid read in backtrace, called after makecontext Memcheck:Addr4 fun:backtrace ... fun:makecontext } #There seems to be an issue with libc using an uninitialized value somewhere in dlopen { Invalid read in dl_start Memcheck:Cond fun:index fun:expand_dynamic_string_token ... fun:_dl_start } # There are memory leaks when using dlopen { Memory leak in libc/dlopen Memcheck:Leak ... fun:_dlerror_run } # 72704 bytes leak from GCC >5.1 https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64535 { Memory leak in dl_init Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds:reachable fun:malloc obj:/usr/lib/*/libstdc++.so.* fun:call_init.part.0 ... fun:_dl_init } { Leaks in test-help-version and test-help-logs (early call to exit()) Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds: reachable fun:_Znwm fun:_ZN7simgrid3s4u6EngineC1EPiPPc fun:main ... obj:*/basic-parsing-test } #Ignore leaks in SMPI sample codes { Leaks in SMPI sample codes Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds: all fun:malloc fun:smpi_simulated_main_ } #This test has an intentional leak { Intentional leak in SMPI sample codes Memcheck:Leak match-leak-kinds: all fun:MPI_Comm_dup obj:coll-allreduce-with-leaks* } #Memory leaks appearing to be in libcgraph. They can be seen with the # following simple program: # ,---- # | #include # | #include # | int main(int argc, char *argv[]) # | { # | if (argc == 1) { # | printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); # | return 1; # | } # | Agraph_t *g; # | FILE *inf = fopen(argv[1], "r"); # | g = agread(inf, 0); # | fclose(inf); # | agclose(g); # | return 0; # | } # `---- { Memory leak in libcgraph (1/3) Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc ... fun:aaglex fun:aagparse fun:agconcat } { Memory leak in libcgraph (2/3) Memcheck:Leak fun:calloc ... obj:*/libcgraph.so* fun:aagparse fun:agconcat } { Memory leak in libcgraph (3/3) Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc ... fun:agnode obj:*/libcgraph.so* fun:aagparse fun:agconcat } # Ignore python cruft { ignore python cruft 1 Memcheck:Cond ... obj:/usr/bin/python* } { ignore python cruft 2 Memcheck:Addr4 ... obj:/usr/bin/python* } { ignore python cruft 3 Memcheck:Value8 ... obj:/usr/bin/python* }