! This file created from test/mpi/f77/datatype/typecntsf.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! program main use mpi integer errs, ierr integer ntype1, ntype2 ! ! This is a very simple test that just tests that the contents/envelope ! routines can be called. This should be upgraded to test the new ! MPI-2 datatype routines (which use address-sized integers) ! errs = 0 call mtest_init( ierr ) call explore( MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMBINER_NAMED, errs ) call explore( MPI_BYTE, MPI_COMBINER_NAMED, errs ) call mpi_type_vector( 10, 1, 30, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, ntype1, & & ierr ) call explore( ntype1, MPI_COMBINER_VECTOR, errs ) call mpi_type_dup( ntype1, ntype2, ierr ) call explore( ntype2, MPI_COMBINER_DUP, errs ) call mpi_type_free( ntype2, ierr ) call mpi_type_free( ntype1, ierr ) ! call mtest_finalize( errs ) call mpi_finalize( ierr ) end ! subroutine explore( dtype, mycomb, errs ) use mpi integer dtype, mycomb, errs integer ierr integer nints, nadds, ntype, combiner integer max_nints, max_dtypes, max_asizev parameter (max_nints = 10, max_dtypes = 10, max_asizev=10) integer intv(max_nints), dtypesv(max_dtypes) integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) aintv(max_asizev) ! call mpi_type_get_envelope( dtype, nints, nadds, ntype, & & combiner, ierr ) ! if (combiner .ne. MPI_COMBINER_NAMED) then call mpi_type_get_contents( dtype, & & max_nints, max_asizev, max_dtypes, & & intv, aintv, dtypesv, ierr ) ! ! dtypesv of constructed types must be free'd now ! if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_DUP) then call mpi_type_free( dtypesv(1), ierr ) endif endif if (combiner .ne. mycomb) then errs = errs + 1 print *, ' Expected combiner ', mycomb, ' but got ', & & combiner endif ! ! List all combiner types to check that they are defined in mpif.h if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_NAMED) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_DUP) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_VECTOR) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_HVECTOR_INTEGER) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_HVECTOR) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_INDEXED) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_HINDEXED_INTEGER) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_HINDEXED) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_INDEXED_BLOCK) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_STRUCT_INTEGER) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_STRUCT) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_SUBARRAY) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_DARRAY) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_F90_REAL) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_F90_COMPLEX) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_F90_INTEGER) then else if (combiner .eq. MPI_COMBINER_RESIZED) then else errs = errs + 1 print *, ' Unknown combiner ', combiner endif return end