find_path(HAVE_F2C_H f2c.h HINTS $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES include/ PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr ) find_program(F2C_EXE NAME f2c PATH_SUFFIXES bin/ PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr ) find_library(HAVE_F2C_LIB NAME f2c HINTS $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES lib/ PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr ) if(HAVE_F2C_H) set(HAVE_SMPI_F2C_H 1) endif() message(STATUS "Looking for f2c.h") if(HAVE_F2C_H) message(STATUS "Looking for f2c.h - found") else() message(STATUS "Looking for f2c.h - not found") endif() message(STATUS "Looking for lib f2c") if(HAVE_F2C_LIB) message(STATUS "Looking for lib f2c - found") else() message(STATUS "Looking for lib f2c - not found") endif() message(STATUS "Looking for bin f2c") if(F2C_EXE) message(STATUS "Found F2C: ${F2C_EXE}") else() message(STATUS "Looking for bin f2c - not found") endif() mark_as_advanced(HAVE_F2C_H) mark_as_advanced(F2C_EXE) mark_as_advanced(HAVE_F2C_LIB) if(HAVE_F2C_H) include_directories(${HAVE_F2C_H}) else() message("-- Fortran for smpi is not installed (") endif() #Some old versions of 64 bits systems seem to have a different size between C and Fortran Datatypes #Deactivate F2C with these versions, in order to avoid breaking test cases in legacy systems (as Fedora 13) set(COMPILER_OK 1) if(PROCESSOR_x86_64 AND "${CMAKE_SYSTEM}" MATCHES "Linux" AND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "GNU" AND "4.5" STRGREATER "${COMPILER_C_VERSION_MAJOR_MINOR}" ) set(COMPILER_OK 0) message("Your C compiler is a bit old and Fortran support is quite problematic on 64 bit platforms, F2C has been deactivated") endif() set(SMPI_F2C 0) if(HAVE_F2C_H AND F2C_EXE AND HAVE_F2C_LIB AND COMPILER_OK) set(SMPI_F2C 1) endif()