default: @echo "Existing Targets:" @echo " make build-deps -> build an image with all possible SimGrid dependencies" @echo " make stable -> build the latest stable version of SimGrid (with SMPI w/o MC)" @echo " make unstable -> build the git version of SimGrid (with SMPI, w/o MC)" @echo " make tuto-s4u -> build all what you need to take the S4U tutorial" @echo " make tuto-smpi -> build all what you need to take the SMPI tutorial" @echo " make tuto-mc -> build the git version of SimGrid (with SMPI and MC)" @echo " make all -> build all but stable (ie, build-deps unstable tuto-s4u tuto-smpi)" @echo " make push -> push all images to the cloud" @echo "All our images are based on debian:testing" @echo "Also possible: DOCKER_EXTRA=--no-cache make unstable" all: build-deps unstable tuto-s4u tuto-smpi stable: # docker build -f Dockerfile.stable --build-arg DLURL=/simgrid/simgrid/uploads/0365f13697fb26eae8c20fc234c5af0e/SimGrid-3.25.tar.gz -t simgrid/stable:latest -t simgrid/stable:v3.25 . |tee stable.log export last_tag=$$(wget 2>/dev/null -O - | grep /simgrid/simgrid/-/tags/v | head -n1 | sed 's/[^>]*>//' | sed 's/<.*//'); \ export DLURL=$$(wget$${last_tag} 2>/dev/null -O - | grep simgrid- | perl -pe 's/.*?