************************************************ * Installation information specific to SimGrid * ************************************************ The main source of information on how to compile SimGrid is the project documentation available in doc/install.html or online on our website http://simgrid.gforge.inria.fr/ . This INSTALL file contains mainly generic information on how to compile SimGrid or any project using cmake. Quick way to compile ==================== In short, the way to compile SimGrid depends on whether you are compiling a tar.gz archive or directly from the SVN. (1) configure SimGrid (both in SVN and archives) $ cmake ./ Main options are: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=: specify where to install SimGrid -Denable_maintainer_mode=on/off: get the maintainer files regenerated automatically -Denable_compile_optimizations=on/off: compile or not with -O0 instead of -O3 -Denable_java=on/off: enable or not binding java -Denable_lua=on/off: enable or not binding lua -Denable_ruby=on/off: enable or not binding ruby -Denable_smpi=on/off: enable or not smpi See below for other configure options which are common to any project, not only SimGrid related. (2) Compile it $ make (3) Test it (optional) $ make check $ ctest (4) Install it $ make install Dependencies ============ SimGrid archives do not have any firm dependencies. If you want to compile, you must have installed perl and cmake version 2.6 or above. In order to improve memory management you should install libpcre. If you want to compile the java bindings, you have to have a java compiler, and the jni.h header file (available from the JDK) If you want to compile the lua bindings, you have to have lua5.1 executable and liblua5.1-dev. If you want to compile the ruby bindings, you have to install ruby executable and ruby-dev version 1.9. If you want to compile smpi, you should install f2c for use Fortran code. If you want to compile the GTNetS backend, you have to have a patched version of GTNetS installed. The patch lives in the contrib section of the SVN.