---- MODULE simix_network ---- (* Copyright (c) 2012-2021. The SimGrid Team. All rights reserved. *) (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. *) (* This is a TLA module specifying the networking layer of SIMIX. It is used to verify the soundness of the DPOR reduction algorithm used in the model-checker. If you think you found a new independence lemma, add it to this file and relaunch TLC to check whether your lemma actually holds. *) EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets CONSTANTS RdV, Addr, Proc, ValTrue, ValFalse, SendIns, RecvIns, WaitIns, TestIns, LocalIns VARIABLES network, memory, pc NoProc == CHOOSE p : p \notin Proc NoAddr == CHOOSE a : a \notin Addr Partition(S) == \forall x,y \in S : x \cap y /= {} => x = y Comm == [id:Nat, rdv:RdV, status:{"send","recv","ready","done"}, src:Proc, dst:Proc, data_src:Addr, data_dst:Addr] ASSUME ValTrue \in Nat ASSUME ValFalse \in Nat (* The set of all the instructions *) ASSUME Partition({SendIns, RecvIns, WaitIns, TestIns, LocalIns}) Instr == UNION {SendIns, RecvIns, WaitIns, TestIns, LocalIns} ------------------------------------------ (* Independence operator *) I(A,B) == ENABLED A /\ ENABLED B => /\ A => (ENABLED B)' /\ B => (ENABLED A)' /\ A \cdot B \equiv B \cdot A (* Initially there are no messages in the network and the memory can have anything in their memories *) Init == /\ network = {} /\ memory \in [Proc -> [Addr -> Nat]] /\ pc = CHOOSE f : f \in [Proc -> Instr] (* Let's keep everything in the right domains *) TypeInv == /\ network \subseteq Comm /\ memory \in [Proc -> [Addr -> Nat]] /\ pc \in [Proc -> Instr] (* The set of all communications waiting at rdv *) mailbox(rdv) == {comm \in network : comm.rdv=rdv /\ comm.status \in {"send","recv"}} (* The set of memory addresses of a process being used in a communication *) CommBuffers(pid) == {c.data_src: c \in { y \in network: y.status /= "done" /\ (y.src = pid \/ y.dst = pid)}} \cup {c.data_dst: c \in { y \in network: y.status /= "done" /\ (y.src = pid \/ y.dst = pid)}} (* This is a send step of the system *) (* pid: the process ID of the sender *) (* rdv: the rendez-vous point where the "send" communication request is going to be pushed *) (* data_r: the address in the sender's memory where the data is stored *) (* comm_r: the address in the sender's memory where to store the communication id *) Send(pid, rdv, data_r, comm_r) == /\ rdv \in RdV /\ pid \in Proc /\ data_r \in Addr /\ comm_r \in Addr /\ pc[pid] \in SendIns (* A matching recv request exists in the rendez-vous *) (* Complete the sender fields and set the communication to the ready state *) /\ \/ \exists c \in mailbox(rdv): /\ c.status="recv" /\ \forall d \in mailbox(rdv): d.status="recv" => c.id <= d.id /\ network' = (network \ {c}) \cup {[c EXCEPT !.status = "ready", !.src = pid, !.data_src = data_r]} (* Use c's existing communication id *) /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][comm_r] = c.id] (* No matching recv communication request exists. *) (* Create a send request and push it in the network. *) \/ /\ ~ \exists c \in mailbox(rdv): c.status = "recv" /\ LET comm == [id |-> Cardinality(network)+1, rdv |-> rdv, status |-> "send", src |-> pid, dst |-> NoProc, data_src |-> data_r, data_dst |-> NoAddr] IN /\ network' = network \cup {comm} /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][comm_r] = comm.id] /\ \E ins \in Instr : pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![pid] = ins] (* This is a receive step of the system *) (* pid: the process ID of the receiver *) (* rdv: the Rendez-vous where the "receive" communication request is going to be pushed *) (* data_r: the address in the receivers's memory where the data is going to be stored *) (* comm_r: the address in the receivers's memory where to store the communication id *) Recv(pid, rdv, data_r, comm_r) == /\ rdv \in RdV /\ pid \in Proc /\ data_r \in Addr /\ comm_r \in Addr /\ pc[pid] \in RecvIns (* A matching send request exists in the rendez-vous *) (* Complete the receiver fields and set the communication to the ready state *) /\ \/ \exists c \in mailbox(rdv): /\ c.status="send" /\ \forall d \in mailbox(rdv): d.status="send" => c.id <= d.id /\ network' = (network \ {c}) \cup {[c EXCEPT !.status = "ready", !.dst = pid, !.data_dst = data_r]} (* Use c's existing communication id *) /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][comm_r] = c.id] (* No matching send communication request exists. *) (* Create a recv request and push it in the network. *) \/ /\ ~ \exists c \in mailbox(rdv): c.status = "send" /\ LET comm == [id |-> Cardinality(network)+1, status |-> "recv", dst |-> pid, data_dst |-> data_r] IN /\ network' = network \cup {comm} /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][comm_r] = comm.id] /\ \E ins \in Instr : pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![pid] = ins] (* Wait for at least one communication from a given list to complete *) (* pid: the process ID issuing the wait *) (* comms: the list of addresses in the process's memory where the communication ids are stored *) Wait(pid, comms) == /\ comms \subseteq Addr /\ pid \in Proc /\ pc[pid] \in WaitIns /\ \E comm_r \in comms, c \in network: c.id = memory[pid][comm_r] /\ \/ /\ c.status = "ready" /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![c.dst][c.data_dst] = memory[c.src][c.data_src]] /\ network' = (network \ {c}) \cup {[c EXCEPT !.status = "done"]} \/ /\ c.status = "done" /\ UNCHANGED <> /\ \E ins \in Instr : pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![pid] = ins] (* Test if at least one communication from a given list has completed *) (* pid: the process ID issuing the wait *) (* comms: the list of addresses in the process's memory where the communication ids are stored *) (* ret_r: the address in the process's memory where the result is going to be stored *) Test(pid, comms, ret_r) == /\ comms \subseteq Addr /\ ret_r \in Addr /\ pid \in Proc /\ pc[pid] \in TestIns /\ \/ \E comm_r \in comms, c\in network: c.id = memory[pid][comm_r] /\ \/ /\ c.status = "ready" /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![c.dst][c.data_dst] = memory[c.src][c.data_src], ![pid][ret_r] = ValTrue] /\ network' = (network \ {c}) \cup {[c EXCEPT !.status = "done"]} \/ /\ c.status = "done" /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][ret_r] = ValTrue] /\ UNCHANGED network \/ ~ \exists comm_r \in comms, c \in network: c.id = memory[pid][comm_r] /\ c.status \in {"ready","done"} /\ memory' = [memory EXCEPT ![pid][ret_r] = ValFalse] /\ UNCHANGED network /\ \E ins \in Instr : pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![pid] = ins] (* Local instruction execution *) Local(pid) == /\ pid \in Proc /\ pc[pid] \in LocalIns /\ memory' \in [Proc -> [Addr -> Nat]] /\ \forall p \in Proc, a \in Addr: memory'[p][a] /= memory[p][a] => p = pid /\ a \notin CommBuffers(pid) /\ \E ins \in Instr : pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![pid] = ins] /\ UNCHANGED network Next == \exists p \in Proc, data_r \in Addr, comm_r \in Addr, rdv \in RdV, ret_r \in Addr, ids \in SUBSET network: \/ Send(p, rdv, data_r, comm_r) \/ Recv(p, rdv, data_r, comm_r) \/ Wait(p, comm_r) \/ Test(p, comm_r, ret_r) \/ Local(p) Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<> ------------------------------- (* Independence of iSend / iRecv steps *) THEOREM \forall p1, p2 \in Proc: \forall rdv1, rdv2 \in RdV: \forall data1, data2, comm1, comm2 \in Addr: /\ p1 /= p2 /\ ENABLED Send(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1) /\ ENABLED Recv(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2) => I(Send(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1), Recv(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2)) (* Independence of iSend and Wait *) THEOREM \forall p1, p2 \in Proc: \forall data, comm1, comm2 \in Addr: \forall rdv \in RdV: \exists c \in network: /\ p1 /= p2 /\ c.id = memory[p2][comm2] /\ \/ (p1 /= c.dst /\ p1 /= c.src) \/ (comm1 /= c.data_src /\ comm1 /= c.data_dst) /\ ENABLED Send(p1, rdv, data, comm1) /\ ENABLED Wait(p2, comm2) => I(Send(p1, rdv, data, comm1), Wait(p2, comm2)) (* Independence of iSend's in different rendez-vous *) THEOREM \forall p1, p2 \in Proc: \forall rdv1, rdv2 \in RdV: \forall data1, data2, comm1, comm2 \in Addr: /\ p1 /= p2 /\ rdv1 /= rdv2 /\ ENABLED Send(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1) /\ ENABLED Send(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2) => I(Send(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1), Send(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2)) (* Independence of iRecv's in different rendez-vous *) THEOREM \forall p1, p2 \in Proc: \forall rdv1, rdv2 \in RdV: \forall data1, data2, comm1, comm2 \in Addr: /\ p1 /= p2 /\ rdv1 /= rdv2 /\ ENABLED Recv(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1) /\ ENABLED Recv(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2) => I(Recv(p1, rdv1, data1, comm1), Recv(p2, rdv2, data2, comm2)) (* Independence of Wait of different processes on the same comm *) THEOREM \forall p1, p2 \in Proc: \forall comm1, comm2 \in Addr: /\ p1 /= p2 /\ comm1 = comm2 /\ ENABLED Wait(p1, comm1) /\ ENABLED Wait(p2, comm2) => I(Wait(p1, comm1), Wait(p2, comm2)) ==== \* Generated at Thu Feb 18 13:49:35 CET 2010