-- Copyright (c) 2011-2016. The SimGrid Team. -- All rights reserved. -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. require("simgrid") function seq(min,max) L={} for i=min,max,1 do table.insert(L,i) end return L end function my_cluster(args) -- args is a table with the following keys -- - local required_args = {"id", "prefix", "suffix", "radical", "speed", "bw", "lat" } for _,val in pairs(required_args) do if args[val] == nil then simgrid.critical("Must specify '" .. val .. "' attribute. See docs for details.") end end if args.sharing_sharing_policy == nil then args.sharing_sharing_policy = "SHARED" end if args.topology ~= "TORUS" and args.topology ~= "FAT_TREE" then args.topology = "Cluster" end -- Check the mode = Cluster here return function() simgrid.platf.AS_open{id=args.id,mode=args.topology}; if args.bb_bw ~= nil and args.bb_lat ~= nil then simgrid.platf.backbone_new{id=args.id .. "-bb",bandwidth=args.bb_bw,latency=args.bb_lat,sharing_policy=args.bb_sharing_sharing_policy} end for _,i in pairs(args.radical) do local hostname = args.prefix .. i .. args.suffix local linkname = args.id .."_link_" .. i simgrid.platf.host_new{id=hostname, speed=args.speed,core=args.core,power_trace=args.availability_file,state_trace=args.state_file}; simgrid.platf.link_new{id=linkname, bandwidth=args.bw,latency=args.lat, sharing_policy=args.sharing_sharing_policy}; simgrid.platf.host_link_new{id=hostname,up=linkname.."_UP",down=linkname.."_DOWN"}; if args.loopback_bw ~= nil and args.loopback_lat ~= nil then simgrid.platf.link_new{id=linkname .. "_loopback",bandwidth=args.loopback_bw,latency=args.loopback_lat,sharing_policy="FATPIPE"} end end simgrid.platf.AS_close() end end simgrid.platf.open(); cluster_factory = my_cluster{prefix="node-", suffix=".acme.org", radical=seq(0,262144), host_factory = function(hostno) if hostno % 2 == 0 then return "blabla" end if hostno % 2 == 1 then return "blublub" end end, speed="1Gf", id="AS0", bw="125MBps", lat="50us", sharing_sharing_policy="FULLDUPLEX" }() --my_cluster{prefix="node2-", suffix=".acme.org", radical=seq(0,44) } simgrid.platf.close();