.. _contrib_doc: Contributor's Documentation =========================== This page describes the software infrastructure for SimGrid potential contributors. It is particularly interesting if you plan to send some patches for inclusion in the project code. Enforcing the coding standards ------------------------------ If you plan to contribute code to the SimGrid project, you must ensure that your changes follow our coding standards. For that, simply install the relevant tools and scripts. .. code-block:: console # install clang-format sudo apt-get install clang-format # debian/ubuntu # tell git to call the script on each commit ln -s $(realpath tools/git-hooks/clang-format.pre-commit) .git/hooks/pre-commit This will add an extra verification before integrating any commit that you could prepare. If your code does not respects our formatting code, git will say so, and provide a ready to use patch that you can apply to improve your commit. Just read the error message you get to find how to apply the fix after review. If you prefer not to apply the fix on a specific commit (because the formatter fails on this case), then add ``--no-verify`` to your git commit command line. Interacting with cmake ---------------------- Configuring ^^^^^^^^^^^ The :ref:`default build configuration ` is intended for users, but contributors should change these settings for their comfort, and to produce better code. In particular, the default is to build highly optimized binaries, at the price of high compilation time and somewhat harder debug sessions. Instead, contributors want to disable the ``enable_compile_optimizations`` compile option. Likewise, ``enable_compile_warnings`` is off by default to not bother the users, but the contributors should really enable it, as your code will not be integrated if it raises warnings from the compiler. .. code-block:: console cmake -Denable_compile_optimizations=OFF -Denable_compile_warnings=ON \ -GNinja . As you can see, we advise to use Ninja instead of the good old Makefiles. In our experience, Ninja is a bit faster because it does not fork as many external commands as make for basic operations. Adding a new file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The content of the archive is mostly built from the lists given in ``tools/cmake/DefinePackages.cmake``. The only exceptions are the files related to the examples, that are listed in the relevant ``CMakeLists.txt`` file, e.g. ``examples/cpp/CMakeLists.txt``. This information is duplicated in ``MANIFEST.in`` for the python building process, that does not use cmake to build the archive. When you add a new file, you should use the relevant build target to check that every files followed by git are included in the archive or properly excluded (by being listed in ``tools/internal/check_dist_archive.exclude``), and that all settings are consistent. Interacting with the tests -------------------------- Breaking tests once in a while is completely OK in SimGrid. We accept temporarily breakages because we want things to evolve, but if you break something, it is your duty to fix it within 24 hours to not hinder the work of others. Understanding the existing tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We use unit tests based on `Catch2 `_, but most of our testing is done through integration tests that launch a specific simulation example and enforce that the output remains unchanged. Since SimGrid displays the timestamp of every logged event, such integration tests ensure that every change of the models' prediction will be noticed. We designed a specific tool for these integration tests, called TESH (the TEsting SHell). ``ctest`` is used to run both unit and integration tests. You can :ref:`run only some of the tests ` if you prefer. To launch the unit tests out of ctest, build and execute the ``./unit-tests`` binary (it accepts a ``--help`` parameter). To rebuild and run all tests, use the ``./BuildSimGrid.sh`` script. The SimGrid code base contains a lot of tests for a coverage well over 80%. We want the contributors to feel confident, and improve the code without fearing of breaking something without noticing. Tests must be fast (because we run them very often), the should stress many aspects of the code (to actually catch problems) and clear to read (understanding and debugging failures should be easy). In fact, our integration tests fall in two categories. The ones located in ``examples/`` are part of the documentation, so readability is utterly important here. The goal is that novice users could grab some of the provided examples and assemble them to constitute a first version of their simulator. These files can only load public header files, and we tend to avoid advanced C++ constructs that would hinder the readability of these files. On the other hand, the integration tests located in ``teshsuite/`` are usually torture tests trying to exhaustively cover all cases. They may be less readable and some even rely on a small DSL to describe all test cases and the expected result (check for example ``teshsuite/models/cloud-sharing``), but they should still be rather easy to debug on need. For this reason, we tend to avoid random testing that is difficult to reproduce. For example, the tests under ``teshsuite/models/`` try to be very verbose to make the model intend clear, and the code easier to debug on need. The WiFi tests seem to be a good example of that trend. Adding a test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We often say that a feature that is not tested is a feature that could soon disappear. So you want to write tests for the features you add. To add new unit tests, please refer to the end of ``tools/cmake/Tests.cmake``) for some examples. Catch2 comes with a good documentation and many examples online. If you add a new feature, you should add an integration test in ``examples/``. Your code should be instructive, documented, reusable, and its output must be perfectly reproducible. Some debugging information can be hidden when run from TESH with the :c:macro:`XBT_LOG_ISENABLED` macro. You then need to write a tesh file, following the syntax described in this man page: ``man -l manpages/tesh.1`` Finally, you should add your source code and tesh file to the cmake infrastructure by modifying for example the ``examples/cpp/CMakeLists.txt`` file. The test name shall allow the filtering of tests with ``ctest -R``. Do not forget to run ``make distcheck`` once you're done to check that you did not forget to add your new files to the distribution. Continuous integrations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have many online build bots that launch the tests on various configurations and operating systems. The results are centralized on two Jenkins jobs: `the main one `_ runs all tests on a variety of systems for each commit, while `Nightly `_ runs some additional code analysis every night. Several sister projects built on top of SimGrid regularly test our git too. The FramaGit project gathers some additional `build badges `_, and results are posted on the `bot-office channel `_ on Mattermost. Our code quality is tested every night using `SonarQube `_ , and the `Debian build daemon `_ test each release on several CPU architectures. We maintain some scripts to interact with these tools under ``tools/cmake``. Interacting with git -------------------- The SimGrid community is relatively small and active. We are not used to maintain long-standing branches but instead, we strive to do our changes in an incremental way, commiting all intermediary steps to the main branch. The only thing is to ensure that you don't break things on the path, i.e. that all tests pass for all commits. If you prefer to do a branch to accumulate some commits in a branch, you should strive to make so for a short period of time to reduce the burden of the branch maintenance. Large changes happen from time to time to the SimGrid source code, and your branch may become hard to rebase. It is nice if your commit message could follow the git habits, explained in this `blog post `_, or in the `style guide of Atom `_. Type naming standard -------------------- * Filenames shall be unique in the whole project (because of a bug in Sonar coverage computation). In C++: * Fields, methods and variables are in snake_case(); * Classes and Enum names are in UpperCamelCase; * Enum values are in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, just as constants. * Files of public modules are usually named ``api_Class.cpp`` and ``api/Class.hpp`` (e.g. ``src/s4u/s4u_ConditionVariable.cpp`` and ``include/simgrid/s4u/ConditionVariable.hpp``). * Files of internal modules are usually named ``Class.cpp`` and ``Class.hpp`` (e.g. ``src/kernel/activity/Activity.cpp`` and ``src/kernel/activity/Activity.hpp``) unless it raises name conflicts. In C: * Getters and setters are named ``sg_object_get_field()`` and ``sg_object_field()`` (e.g. ``sg_link_get_name()`` and ``sg_link_set_data()``); * Variables and functions are snake_case(); * Typedefs do not hide the pointers, i.e. the * must be explicit. ``char* sg_host_get_name(sg_host_t* host)``. Unsorted hints -------------- * To thoroughly test your changes before pushing your commits, use several cmake configurations under sub-trees of ``build/`` (that is ignored by git) as explained in :ref:`install_cmake_outsrc`. For example, I have the following directories: build/clang build/full build/mc (but YMMV). * If you break the logs, you want to define XBT_LOG_MAYDAY at the beginning of log.h. It deactivates the whole logging mechanism, switching to printfs instead. SimGrid then becomes incredibly verbose, but it you let you fixing things.