winname 2 allocmem 2 putfence1 4 putfidx 4 getfence1 4 accfence1 4 #Needs lock, unlock #adlb_mimic1 3 accfence2 4 putpscw1 4 accpscw1 4 getgroup 4 transpose1 2 transpose2 2 transpose3 2 #Needs MPI_Win_allocate transpose3_shm 2 transpose5 2 transpose6 1 transpose7 2 test1 2 test2 2 #this example will not run if the one-sided operations are simply #implemented on top of MPI_Isends and Irecvs test3 2 test4 2 test5 2 #Needs lock, unlock lockcontention 3 lockcontention2 4 lockcontention2 8 #Buggy one. #lockcontention3 8 lockopts 2 #needs get_accumulate lock_dt 2 #lock_dt_flush 2 #lock_dt_flushlocal 2 #lockall_dt 4 timeLimit=240 #lockall_dt_flush 4 timeLimit=240 #lockall_dt_flushall 4 timeLimit=240 #lockall_dt_flushlocal 4 timeLimit=240 #lockall_dt_flushlocalall 4 timeLimit=240 #lock_contention_dt 4 timeLimit=240 transpose4 2 #fetchandadd 7 #fetchandadd_tree 7 #Needs MPI_Win_test #wintest 2 contig_displ 1 test1_am 2 test2_am 2 #test3_am 2 #test4_am 2 test5_am 2 #fetchandadd_am 7 #fetchandadd_tree_am 7 accfence2_am 4 test1_dt 2 timeLimit=30 #Needs post/start nullpscw 7 attrorderwin 1 #Needs MPI_Win_call_errhandler #wincall 2 baseattrwin 1 fkeyvalwin 1 selfrma 1 #mixedsync 4 epochtest 3 locknull 2 #Needs MPI_Rput, rget, racumulate, MPI_Fetch_and_op, MPI_Compare_and_swap #rmanull 2 #rmazero 2 strided_acc_indexed 2 strided_acc_onelock 2 #needs MPI_Type_create_subarray #strided_acc_subarray 2 strided_get_indexed 2 strided_putget_indexed 4 #strided_putget_indexed_shared 4 mpiversion=3.0 strided_getacc_indexed 4 #strided_getacc_indexed_shared 4 mpiversion=3.0 window_creation 2 contention_put 4 contention_putget 4 #put_base 2 #put_bottom 2 #win_flavors 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_flavors 3 mpiversion=3.0 #manyrma2 2 timeLimit=500 manyrma3 2 #win_shared 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_create_allocshm 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_create_no_allocshm 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_noncontig 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_noncontig_put 4 mpiversion=3.0 #win_zero 4 mpiversion=3.0 win_dynamic_acc 4 #get_acc_local 1 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list 4 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list_fop 4 mpiversion=3.0 #compare_and_swap 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_char 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_short 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_int 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_long 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_double 4 mpiversion=3.0 #fetch_and_op_long_double 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_double 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_double_derived 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_int 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_int_derived 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_long 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_long_derived 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_short 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get_accumulate_short_derived 4 mpiversion=3.0 #flush 4 mpiversion=3.0 #reqops 4 mpiversion=3.0 #req_example 4 mpiversion=3.0 win_info 4 #linked_list_lockall 4 mpiversion=3.0 #pscw_ordering 4 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list_bench_lock_all 4 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list_bench_lock_excl 4 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list_bench_lock_shr 4 mpiversion=3.0 #linked_list_bench_lock_shr_nocheck 4 mpiversion=3.0 #mutex_bench_shm 4 mpiversion=3.0 #mutex_bench_shm_ordered 4 mpiversion=3.0 #rma-contig 2 mpiversion=3.0 timeLimit=720 #badrma 2 mpiversion=3.0 #acc-loc 4 #fence_shm 2 mpiversion=3.0 #mutex_bench 4 mpiversion=3.0 #mutex_bench_shared 4 mpiversion=3.0 win_shared_zerobyte 4 mpiversion=3.0 win_shared_put_flush_get 4 mpiversion=3.0 #get-struct 2 at_complete 2 #atomic_rmw_fop 3 #atomic_rmw_cas 3 #atomic_rmw_gacc 3 #atomic_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 timeLimit=300 #aint 2 mpiversion=3.1 #acc-pairtype 2 manyget 2 #derived-acc-flush_local 3 mpiversion=3.0 #large-acc-flush_local 3 mpiversion=3.0 large-small-acc 2 #win_shared_put_flush_load 3 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_acc_flush_load 3 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_gacc_flush_load 3 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_fop_flush_load 3 mpiversion=3.0 #win_shared_cas_flush_load 3 mpiversion=3.0 #put_flush_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 #acc_flush_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 #gacc_flush_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 #fop_flush_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 #cas_flush_get 3 mpiversion=3.0 #rget-unlock 2 mpiversion=3.0 #overlap_wins_put 3 #overlap_wins_acc 3 #overlap_wins_gacc 3 #overlap_wins_fop 3 #overlap_wins_cas 3 lock_nested 3 ## This test is not strictly correct. This was meant to test out the ## case when MPI_Test is not nonblocking. However, we ended up ## assuming that MPI_Win_lock will be nonblocking. That is not ## specified by the standard and might not be true. Commenting this ## out till be find a better way to test the original problem with ## MPI_Test. # nb_test 2 mpiversion=3.0 xfail=ticket1910