# Base image FROM simgrid/unstable RUN apt update && apt -y upgrade # - Clone simgrid-template-s4u, as it is needed by the tutorial # - Add an empty makefile advising to run cmake before make, just in case RUN apt install -y python-is-python3 pajeng r-base r-cran-tidyverse r-cran-devtools cmake g++ git libboost-dev flex bison libfmt-dev&& \ cd /source && \ git clone --depth=1 https://framagit.org/simgrid/simgrid-template-s4u.git simgrid-template-s4u.git && \ printf "master-workers ping-pong:\n\t@echo \"Please run the following command before make:\";echo \" cmake .\"; exit 1" > Makefile &&\ apt autoremove -y && apt clean && apt autoclean RUN Rscript -e "library(devtools); install_github('schnorr/pajengr');" CMD ["/bin/bash"]