# CMake find module to search for the SimGrid library. # Copyright (c) 2016-2018. The SimGrid Team. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. # Once done, the following will be defined: # # CMake >= 2.8.12: # Target SimGrid::Simgrid # # Use as: # target_link_libraries(your-simulator SimGrid::SimGrid) # # Older CMake (< 2.8.12) # SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR - the SimGrid include directories # SimGrid_LIBRARY - link your simulator against it to use SimGrid # # Use as: # include_directories("${SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR}" SYSTEM) # target_link_libraries(your-simulator ${SimGrid_LIBRARY}) # # This could be improved: # - Use automatic SimGridConfig.cmake creation via export/install(EXPORT in main CMakeLists.txt: # https://cliutils.gitlab.io/modern-cmake/chapters/exporting.html # https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/How_to_create_a_ProjectConfig.cmake_file # https://github.com/boostcon/cppnow_presentations_2017/blob/master/05-19-2017_friday/effective_cmake__daniel_pfeifer__cppnow_05-19-2017.pdf cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) find_path(SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES simgrid_config.h PATHS /opt/simgrid/include ) find_library(SimGrid_LIBRARY NAMES simgrid PATHS /opt/simgrid/lib ) mark_as_advanced(SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(SimGrid_LIBRARY) if (SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR) set(SimGrid_VERSION_REGEX "^#define SIMGRID_VERSION_(MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH) ([0-9]+)$") file(STRINGS "${SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR}/simgrid_config.h" SimGrid_VERSION_STRING REGEX ${SimGrid_VERSION_REGEX}) set(SimGrid_VERSION "") # Concat the matches to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH assuming they appear in this order foreach(match ${SimGrid_VERSION_STRING}) if(SimGrid_VERSION) set(SimGrid_VERSION "${SimGrid_VERSION}.") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE ${SimGrid_VERSION_REGEX} "${SimGrid_VERSION}\\2" SimGrid_VERSION ${match}) set(SimGrid_VERSION_${CMAKE_MATCH_1} ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) endforeach() unset(SimGrid_VERSION_STRING) unset(SimGrid_VERSION_REGEX) endif () include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(SimGrid FOUND_VAR SimGrid_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR SimGrid_LIBRARY VERSION_VAR SimGrid_VERSION ) if (SimGrid_FOUND AND NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.12) add_library(SimGrid::SimGrid SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(SimGrid::SimGrid PROPERTIES INTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${SimGrid_INCLUDE_DIR} INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_alias_templates IMPORTED_LOCATION ${SimGrid_LIBRARY} ) # We need C++11, so check for it if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.8) # 3.8+ allows us to simply require C++11 (or higher) set_property(TARGET SimGrid::SimGrid PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_std_11) elseif (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.1) # 3.1+ is similar but for certain features. We pick just one set_property(TARGET SimGrid::SimGrid PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_alias_templates) else () # Old CMake can't do much. Just check the CXX_FLAGS and inform the user when a C++11 feature does not work include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") check_cxx_source_compiles("using Foo = int; int main(){}" _SIMGRID_CXX11_ENABLED) if (NOT _SIMGRID_CXX11_ENABLED) message(WARNING "C++11 is required to use this library. Enable it with e.g. -std=c++11") endif () unset(_SIMGRID_CXX11_ENABLED CACHE) endif () endif ()