This directory contains a variety of different test codes of different types. This directory and many of the files in it are still undergoing active development and change. Please forgive (and report) any problems you have with these programs. These tests may be used with any MPI implementation. In a few cases, differences in error messages may be reported; these are not errors, of course. However, the accuracy and detail of the messages should be evaluated. To build and run the tests, execute configure followed by make testing. The options to configure for some MPI implementations follow: SGI: ./configure -cc=cc -fc=f77 IBM: ./configure -cc=mpcc -fc=mpxlf (You also need a script called "mpirun" that takes a -np number-of-procs argument, since there are so many different ways to run parallel programs on IBM systems) MPICH: ./configure -mpichpath= The directories are as follows: pt2pt - Test cases that generally cover various point to point routines, such as send, isend, probe, etc... The README in this directory contains some additional useful information about running the tests. The tests in this directory are most complete. coll - Test programs for various collective operations context - Test programs for context operations env - Test programs for the environment routines profile - Test program(s) for MPI_Pcontrol topol - Test programs for the topology routines lederman- A series of tests of various types written by Steve Lederman Other directories and additional tests will be added in the future. To run the test, but not leave the executables around, do (in this directory) make TESTARGS=-small testing >& testing.out If your MPI requires a boot step before running programs, use the target testing-boot instead of testint: make TESTARGS=-small testing-boot >& testing.out This will boot any MPI startup demons, and it will stop them at the end of the test. If you are NOT using the MPICH implementation, then you can run the configure script in this directory. If you need to view the configure options, then type configure -help and a list of configure options will be provided. You will probably also have to provide an "mpirun" program or script. This has roughly the form mpirun -mvhome -np n -mvback "string" programname programargs The options -mvhome and -mvback "string" can be ignored; they are needed only on systems that do not share file systems with the system running the runtests script (yes, there is one such system). The option "-np n" specifies that "n" processes are needed. Note that this is not always a power of 2; systems must be prepared to accept any (small) value of n.