-- A SimGrid Lua implementation of the Kademlia protocol. -- Copyright (c) 2012, 2014. The SimGrid Team. -- All rights reserved. -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. require("simgrid") -- Common constants common = { COMM_SIZE = 1, RANDOM_LOOKUP_INTERVAL = 100, ALPHA = 3, IDENTIFIER_SIZE = 32, BUCKET_SIZE = 20, MAX_JOIN_TRIALS = 4, FIND_NODE_TIMEOUT = 10, FIND_NODE_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = 50, PING_TIMEOUT = 35, MAX_STEPS = 10, JOIN_BUCKETS_QUERIES = 5 } require("tools") -- Routing table require("routing_table") data = { id = -1, mailbox = "", deadline = 0, comm = nil, find_node_succedded = 0, find_node_failed = 0 } function node(...) local args = {...} if #args ~= 2 and #args ~= 3 then simgrid.info("Wrong argument count: " .. #args) return end data.id = tonumber(args[1]) routing_table_init(data.id) data.mailbox = tostring(data.id) if #args == 3 then data.deadline = tonumber(args[3]) simgrid.info("Hi, I'm going to join the network with the id " .. data.id .. " !") if join_network(tonumber(args[2])) then main_loop() else simgrid.info("Couldn't join the network") end else data.deadline = tonumber(args[2]) routing_table_update(data.id) data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) main_loop() end simgrid.info(data.find_node_succedded .. "/" .. (data.find_node_succedded + data.find_node_failed) .. " FIND_NODE have succedded"); simgrid.process.sleep(10000) end function main_loop() local next_lookup_time = simgrid.get_clock() + common.RANDOM_LOOKUP_INTERVAL local now = simgrid.get_clock() while now < data.deadline do task,err = data.comm:test() if task then handle_task(task) data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) elseif err then data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) else if now >= next_lookup_time then random_lookup() next_lookup_time = next_lookup_time + common.RANDOM_LOOKUP_INTERVAL now = simgrid.get_clock() else simgrid.process.sleep(1) now = simgrid.get_clock() end end end end function random_lookup() find_node(0,true) end function join_network(id_known) local answer_got = false local time_begin = simgrid.get_clock() simgrid.debug("Joining the network knowing " .. id_known) routing_table_update(data.id) routing_table_update(id_known) -- Send a FIND_NODE to the node we know send_find_node(id_known,data.id) -- Wait for the answer local trials = 0 data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) repeat task,err = data.comm:test() if task then if task.type == "FIND_NODE_ANSWER" then answer_got = true local answer = task.answer -- Add the nodes we received to our routing table for i,v in pairs(answer.nodes) do routing_table_update(v.id) end else handle_task(task) end data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) elseif err then data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) else simgrid.process.sleep(1) end until answer_got or trials >= common.MAX_JOIN_TRIALS -- Second step: Send a FIND_NODE in a node in each bucket local bucket_id = find_bucket(id_known).id local i = 0 while ((bucket_id - i) > 0 or (bucket_id + i) <= common.IDENTIFIER_SIZE) and i < common.JOIN_BUCKETS_QUERIES do if bucket_id - i > 0 then local id_in_bucket = get_id_in_prefix(data.id,bucket_id - i) find_node(id_in_bucket,false) end if bucket_id + i <= common.IDENTIFIER_SIZE then local id_in_bucket = get_id_in_prefix(data.id,bucket_id + i) find_node(id_in_bucket,false) end i = i + 1 end return answer_got end -- Send a request to find a node in the node's routing table. function find_node(destination, counts) local queries, answers local total_answers = 0 total_queries = 0 local nodes_added = 0 local destination_found = false local steps = 0 local timeout local global_timeout = simgrid.get_clock() + common.FIND_NODE_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT -- Build a list of the closest nodes we already know. local node_list = find_closest(destination) simgrid.debug("Doing a FIND_NODE on " .. destination) repeat answers = 0 queries = send_find_node_to_best(node_list) nodes_added = 0 timeout = simgrid.get_clock() + common.FIND_NODE_TIMEOUT steps = steps + 1 repeat task, err = data.comm:test() if task then if task.type == "FIND_NODE_ANSWER" and task.answer.destination == destination then routing_table_update(task.sender_id) for i,v in pairs(task.answer.nodes) do routing_table_update(v.id) end nodes_added = merge_answer(node_list,task.answer) else handle_task(task) end data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) elseif err then data.comm = simgrid.task.irecv(data.mailbox) else simgrid.process.sleep(1) end until answers >= queries or simgrid.get_clock() >= timeout if (#node_list.nodes > 0) then destination_found = (node_list.nodes[1].distance == 0) else destination_found = false end until destination_found or (nodes_added > 0 and answers == 0) or simgrid.get_clock() >= global_timeout or steps >= common.MAX_STEPS if destination_found then simgrid.debug("Find node on " .. destination .. " succedded") if counts then data.find_node_succedded = data.find_node_succedded + 1 end else simgrid.debug("Find node on " .. destination .. " failed") if counts then data.find_node_failed = data.find_node_failed + 1 end end return destination_found end -- Sends a "FIND_NODE" request (task) to a node we know. function send_find_node(id, destination) simgrid.debug("Sending a FIND_NODE to " .. id .. " to find " .. destination); local task = simgrid.task.new("",0, common.COMM_SIZE) task.type = "FIND_NODE" task.sender_id = data.id task.destination = destination task:dsend(tostring(id)) end -- Sends a "FIND_NODE" request to the best "alpha" nodes in a node -- list function send_find_node_to_best(node_list) destination = node_list.destination local i = 1 while i <= common.ALPHA and i < #node_list.nodes do if data.id ~= node_list.nodes[i].id then send_find_node(node_list.nodes[i].id,destination) end i = i + 1 end return i - 1 end -- Handles an incomming task function handle_task(task) routing_table_update(task.sender_id) if task.type == "FIND_NODE" then handle_find_node(task) elseif task.type == "PING" then handle_ping(task) end end function handle_find_node(task) simgrid.debug("Received a FIND_NODE from " .. task.sender_id) local answer = find_closest(task.destination) local task_answer = simgrid.task.new("",0, common.COMM_SIZE) task_answer.type = "FIND_NODE_ANSWER" task_answer.sender_id = data.id task_answer.destination = task.destination task_answer.answer = answer task_answer:dsend(tostring(task.sender_id)) end function handle_ping(task) simgrid.info("Received a PING from " .. task.sender_id) local task_answer = simgrid.task.new("",0, common.COMM_SIZE) task_answer.type = "PING_ANSWER" task_answer.sender_id = data.id task_answer.destination = task.destination task_answer:dsend(tostring(task.sender_id)) end function merge_answer(m1, m2) local nb_added = 0 for i,v in pairs(m2.nodes) do table.insert(m1.nodes,v) nb_added = nb_added + 1 end return nb_added end simgrid.platform(arg[1] or "../../msg/msg_platform.xml") simgrid.application(arg[2] or "kademlia.xml") simgrid.run()