$ ${bindir}/task_progress ${platfdir}/small_platform.xml > [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Switching to the L07 model to handle parallel tasks. > [Tremblay:sequential:(1) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] get the progress of simple before the task starts > [Tremblay:sequential:(1) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Executing task: "simple" > [Tremblay:parallel:(2) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] get the progress of ptask before the task starts > [Tremblay:parallel:(2) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Executing task: "ptask" > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 0.200000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "simple": 0.802376 > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 0.400000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "simple": 0.606186 > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 0.600000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "simple": 0.409996 > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 0.800000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "ptask": 0.608337 > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 1.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "ptask": 0.510242 > [Tremblay:sequential:(1) 1.017958] [msg_test/INFO] get the progress of simple after the task finishes > [Tremblay:sequential:(1) 1.017958] [msg_test/INFO] Goodbye now! > [Tremblay:get_progress:(3) 1.200000] [msg_test/INFO] Progress of "ptask": 0.362543 > [Tremblay:parallel:(2) 1.675180] [msg_test/INFO] get the progress of ptask after the task finishes > [Tremblay:parallel:(2) 1.675180] [msg_test/INFO] Goodbye now! > [1.675180] [msg_test/INFO] Simulation time 1.67518