-- A SimGrid Lua implementation of the Chord DHT -- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, 2014. The SimGrid Team. -- All rights reserved. -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. require("simgrid") nb_bits = 24 nb_keys = 2^nb_bits comp_size = 0 comm_size = 10 timeout = 50 max_simulation_time = 1000 stabilize_delay = 20 fix_fingers_delay = 120 check_predecessor_delay = 120 lookup_delay = 10 -- current node (don't worry, globals are duplicated in each simulated process) my_node = { -- FIXME: my_id does not exist. id = my_id, next_finger_to_fix = 1, fingers = {}, predecessor = nil, comm_recv = nil } -- Main function of each Chord process -- Arguments: -- - my id -- - the id of a guy I know in the system (except for the first node) function node(...) simgrid.debug("Hi! This is my first message; I just entered the program!") -- TODO simplify the deployment file local known_id local args = {...} my_node.id = math.tointeger(args[1]) simgrid.debug("My id is now " .. my_node.id) if #args == 4 then known_id = math.tointeger(args[2]) simgrid.info("Updated my known_id to " .. known_id) end -- initialize the node and the fingertable; -- at the beginning, this node only knows itself (we need to discover others) for i = 1, nb_bits, 1 do my_node.fingers[i] = my_node.id end -- Let's make sure we can receive messages! my_node.comm_recv = simgrid.task.irecv(my_node.id) -- join the ring local join_success = false --simgrid.info(known_id) if known_id == nil then -- only the first node ("Jacqueline") will enter here -- as configured in file ../../msg/chord/chord.xml simgrid.debug("I'm the node that is in charge. Going to create everything.") create() join_success = true else -- Communicate to the first node and join the ring -- This will also initialize -- my_node.predecessor and my_node.successor join_success = join(known_id) end -- At this point, finger[1] does not necessarily actually point -- to the *real* successor; it might be that the first node still -- didn't notify us that another node joined with -- an ID that satisfies my_id <= ID <= current_successorId -- TODO Remove this, but make sure my_node.predecessor is initialized somewhere --if my_node.id == 1 then --my_node.predecessor = 1 --end -- main loop if join_success then local now = simgrid.get_clock() local next_stabilize_date = now + stabilize_delay local next_fix_fingers_date = now + fix_fingers_delay local next_check_predecessor_date = now + check_predecessor_delay local next_lookup_date = now + lookup_delay local task, err simgrid.debug("I'm now entering the main loop.") while now < max_simulation_time do task, err = my_node.comm_recv:test() simgrid.info(now .. " " .. next_stabilize_date .. " " .. now + stabilize_delay .. " " .. next_fix_fingers_date .. " " .. next_check_predecessor_date .. " " .. next_lookup_date) if task then -- I received a task: answer it simgrid.info("I received a task of type '" .. task.type .."'! My id is " .. my_node.id) my_node.comm_recv = simgrid.task.irecv(my_node.id) handle_task(task) elseif err then -- the communication has failed: nevermind, we'll try again simgrid.info("Error while receiving a task! My id is " .. my_node.id) my_node.comm_recv = simgrid.task.irecv(my_node.id) else -- no task was received: do periodic calls if now >= next_stabilize_date then simgrid.debug("Stabilizing...") stabilize() simgrid.debug("Finished stabilizing!") next_stabilize_date = simgrid.get_clock() + stabilize_delay --elseif now >= next_fix_fingers_date then --fix_fingers() --next_fix_fingers_date = simgrid.get_clock() + fix_fingers_delay --elseif now >= next_check_predecessor_date then --check_predecessor() --next_check_predecessor_date = simgrid.get_clock() + check_predecessor_delay --elseif now >= next_lookup_date then --random_lookup() --simgrid.debug("I'm now executing a lookup, as lookup_delay makes me do this. " .. simgrid.get_clock()) --next_lookup_date = simgrid.get_clock() + lookup_delay else ---- nothing to do: sleep for a while simgrid.debug("Didn't have to stabilize, update my fingers, check my predecessors or do a random lookup; hence, I'm starting to sleep now...") simgrid.process.sleep(5) simgrid.debug("Slept for 5s") end end now = simgrid.get_clock() end -- while -- leave the ring leave() end end -- Makes the current node leave the ring function leave() simgrid.info("Leaving the ring, because max_simulation_time was reached.") -- TODO: notify others end -- This function is called when the current node receives a task -- and can not immediately deal with it; for instance, if the host -- waits on a response for a 'find successor' query but receives a -- 'get predecessor' message instead; we cannot just discard this -- message so we deal with it here. -- -- - task: the task received function handle_task(task) simgrid.debug("Handling task in handle_task()") local type = task.type if type == "find successor" then task.answer_to = math.tointeger(task.answer_to) task.request_id = math.tointeger(task.request_id) simgrid.info("Received a 'find successor' request from " .. string.format("%d", task.answer_to) .. " for id " .. string.format("%d", task.request_id)) -- Is my successor have the right host? This can happen if there are holes -- in the ring; for instance, if my id is 13 and my successor is 17 and -- 14,15,16 don't exist but I'm asked for 15, then yes, 17 is the right -- answer to the request. -- -- Test: my_node.id + 1 <= task.request_id <= my_node.fingers[1] -- ^^^ -- TODO: Why the +1? We could receive this message from a host that forwarded -- this message (and the original sender doesn't know us), -- so why do we exclude ourselves? if is_in_interval(task.request_id, my_node.id + 1, my_node.fingers[1]) then simgrid.info("Sending back a 'find successor answer' to " .. string.format("%d", task.answer_to) .. ": the successor of " .. string.format("%d", task.request_id) .. " is " .. string.format("%d", my_node.fingers[1])) task.type = "find successor answer" -- TODO: Can we remove the "" here? task.answer = math.tointeger(my_node.fingers[1]) simgrid.info("Answer" .. task.answer) task:dsend(math.tointeger(task.answer_to)) else -- forward the request to the closest preceding finger in my table simgrid.info("Forwarding the 'find successor' request to my closest preceding finger") task:dsend(closest_preceding_node(task.request_id)) end elseif type == "get predecessor" then simgrid.info("Received a 'find predecessor' request from " .. string.format("%d", task.answer_to) .. " for id. Sending back an answer.") task.type = "get predecessor answer" --for i,v in pairs(my_node) do --print(my_node.id, i, v) --end --print(my_node.predecessor) if my_node.predecessor ~= nil then task.answer = math.tointeger(my_node.predecessor) --print(my_node.predecessor) else -- FIXME: This is completely wrong here. Fix this; -- we need to figure out what to send if we don't know our -- predecessor yet simgrid.critical("Don't know my predecessor yet!") my_node.predecessor = remote_get_predecessor(my_node.fingers[1]) task.answer = my_node.predecessor end --print("It will break now, since task.answer is nil here.") --task.answer = my_node.predecessor --print(task.answer) --print("Before") task:dsend(math.tointeger(task.answer_to)) --print("After dsend returned") elseif type == "notify" then -- someone is telling me that he may be my new predecessor simgrid.info("Host id " .. task.request_id .. " wants to be my predecessor") notify(math.tointeger(task.request_id)) elseif type == "predecessor leaving" then -- TODO simgrid.debug("predecessor leaving") elseif type == "successor_leaving" then -- TODO: We could / should use something like table.remove(my_node.fingers, 1) here simgrid.debug(type) elseif type == "find successor answer" then -- ignoring, this is handled in remote_find_successor simgrid.debug(type) elseif type == "get predecessor answer" then -- ignoring, this is already handled in else error("Unknown type of task received: " .. task.type) end simgrid.info("I'm leaving handle_task() now.") end -- Returns whether an id belongs to the interval [a, b[. -- The parameters are normalized to make sure they are between 0 and nb_keys - 1. -- 1 belongs to [62, 3]. -- 1 does not belong to [3, 62]. -- 63 belongs to [62, 3]. -- 63 does not belong to [3, 62]. -- 24 belongs to [21, 29]. -- 24 does not belong to [29, 21]. function is_in_interval(id, a, b) -- normalize the parameters -- TODO: Currently, nb_bits = 24; so a,b,id < 24! Really? id = id % nb_bits a = a % nb_bits b = b % nb_bits -- make sure a <= b and a <= id if b < a then b = b + nb_keys end if id < a then id = id + nb_keys end return id <= b end -- Returns whether the current node is in the ring. function has_joined() return my_node.fingers[my_node.id] ~= nil end -- Creates a new Chord ring. function create() simgrid.debug("I've now initialized my predecessor and fingertable.") --my_node.predecessor = my_node.id my_node.predecessor = nil my_node.fingers[1] = my_node.id end -- Attemps to join the Chord ring. -- - known_id: id of a node already in the ring -- - return value: true if the join was successful function join(known_id) simgrid.info("Joining the ring with id " .. my_node.id .. ", knowing node " .. known_id) local successor = remote_find_successor(known_id, my_node.id) simgrid.info("Returned from remote_find_successor; my successor is " .. successor) if successor == nil then simgrid.critical("Cannot join the ring.") return false end -- We don't know the predecessor yet, so we initialize it with NULL my_node.predecessor = nil my_node.fingers[1] = successor -- Everything was successfull! return true end -- Returns the closest preceding finger of an id with respect to the finger -- table of the current node. -- - id: the id to find -- - return value: the closest preceding finger of that id function closest_preceding_node(id) for i = nb_bits, 1, -1 do if is_in_interval(my_node.fingers[i], my_node.id + 1, id - 1) then -- finger i is the first one before id simgrid.info("fix_fingers: The closest preceding node for " .. id .. " is finger " .. i .. " (node " .. my_node.fingers[i] .. ")") return my_node.fingers[i] end end end -- Finds the successor of an id -- id: the id to find -- return value: the id of the successor, or nil if the request failed function find_successor(id) if is_in_interval(id, my_node.id + 1, my_node.fingers[1]) then -- my successor is the successor simgrid.info("Looking for successor of " .. id .. ", but I determined it's my own successor: " .. my_node.fingers[1]) return my_node.fingers[1] else -- ask to the closest preceding finger in my table simgrid.info("fix_fingers: Looking for successor of " .. id .. ", checking closest preceding node") local ask_to = closest_preceding_node(id) simgrid.info("fix_fingers: Looking for successor of " .. id .. ", checking closest preceding node") return remote_find_successor(ask_to, id) end end -- Asks a remote node the successor of an id. -- ask_to: id of a remote node to ask to -- id: the id to find -- return value: the id of the successor, or nil if the request failed function remote_find_successor(ask_to, id) local task = simgrid.task.new("", comp_size, comm_size) task.type = "find successor" task.request_id = id -- This is the id we want to find task.answer_to = my_node.id -- This is where the answer needs to go -- (back to us) simgrid.info("Sending a 'find successor' request to " .. ask_to .. " for id " .. id .. " (timeout=".. timeout .. ")") if task:send(ask_to, timeout) then -- request successfully sent: wait for an answer while true do simgrid.info("New iteration in while loop of remote_find_successor(); I'm still waiting for a response!") --print(task.request_id) simgrid.info("Starting to wait for a message; timeout=" .. timeout) task = my_node.comm_recv:wait(timeout) simgrid.info("Finished to wait") -- TODO Do we need this? --for i,v in pairs(task) do --print(i, v) --end --simgrid.info("I will crash!") --task.answer = math.tointeger(task.answer) --simgrid.info("Ich denke task.type ist leer") --simgrid.info("Before irecv: " .. my_node.id) -- Even if the recv above failed (timeout occurred) -- we want to be -- able to receive a message if it comes in, even without us explicitly -- calling the recv() method. my_node.comm_recv = simgrid.task.irecv(my_node.id) if not task then -- failed to receive the answer return nil else -- a task was received: is it the expected answer (i.e., the response to -- our query and for the id we're interested in) if task.type ~= "find successor answer" or task.request_id ~= id then -- this is not our answer, but we still need to handle it. simgrid.info("Wrong request of type " .. task.type .. " received, expected 'find successor answer'") handle_task(task) else -- this is our answer simgrid.info("Received the answer to my 'find successor' request for id " .. id .. ": the successor is " .. task.answer) -- TODO: Do we need math.tointeger here? return math.tointeger(task.answer) end end end else simgrid.info("Failed to send the 'find successor' request to " .. ask_to .. " for id " .. id) end -- This can never be reached, because if this host finds the successor, it -- will return it right away! simgrid.info("Whooops! I should never reach this statement, because I didn't find a successor!") -- We need to return the successor here end -- Asks a remote node its predecessor. -- ask_to: id of a remote node to ask to -- return value: the id of its predecessor, or nil if the request failed function remote_get_predecessor(ask_to) local task = simgrid.task.new("", comp_size, comm_size) task.type = "get predecessor" task.answer_to = math.tointeger(my_node.id) -- TODO c.heinrich: Remove this --task.note = "Bla " .. ask_to .. " at time " .. simgrid.get_clock() simgrid.info("Sending request for '" .. task.type .."' to id '" .. ask_to .. "'") if task:send(ask_to, timeout) then simgrid.info("Done sending the request to " .. ask_to) -- request successfully sent: wait for an answer -- We need to iterate here because we might receive other -- messages too (but not the answer to the request we just sent); -- hence, we loop here. while true do simgrid.info("Starting to wait. My id: " .. my_node.id) task = my_node.comm_recv:wait(timeout) simgrid.info("Finished to wait. My id: " .. my_node.id .. " ask_to is " .. ask_to) my_node.comm_recv = simgrid.task.irecv(my_node.id) if not task then -- failed to receive the answer simgrid.info("Task not received - is null?") return nil else -- a task was received: is it the expected answer? if task.type ~= "get predecessor answer" then -- this is not our answer simgrid.info("Task is NOT 'get predecessor answer'") handle_task(task) else -- this is our answer -- FIXME make sure the message answers to this particular request --simgrid.info(task.answer) for i,v in pairs(task) do print(my_node.id, i, v) end simgrid.info("Task is answer for predecessor! The answer is: ") if (task.answer) then print("NIL!\n") else print("Not NIL\n") end return task.answer end end end end return successor end -- Checks the immediate successor of the current node. function stabilize() local candidate local successor = my_node.fingers[1] if successor ~= my_node.id then simgrid.info("Getting remote predecessor from ".. successor) candidate = remote_get_predecessor(successor) simgrid.info("Received ".. candidate .. " as candidate") else candidate = my_node.predecessor end simgrid.info("Still stabilizing") -- candidate might become my new successor if candidate ~= nil and is_in_interval(candidate, my_node.id + 1, successor - 1) then simgrid.info("I'm updating my successor to " .. math.tointeger(candidate)) my_node.fingers[1] = math.tointeger(candidate) -- If candidate is not my_node.id, then I should notify candidate that I'm here. -- (So this node updates it's predecessor to me) --remote_notify(candidate, my_node.id) end simgrid.info("Successor: " .. successor .. " and my id: " .. my_node.id) -- If candidate is nil, this means that our successor has no predecessor. -- So we should tell him about us... -- TODO: I think a host that receives a message could automatically add -- this other node as a predecessor if it doesn't have any... needs to -- be implemented somewhere else, not here. if candidate == nil and successor ~= my_node.id then remote_notify(successor, my_node.id) end end -- Notifies the current node that its predecessor may have changed -- - candidate_predecessor: the possible new predecessor function notify(candidate_predecessor) if my_node.predecessor == nil or is_in_interval(candidate_predecessor, my_node.predecessor + 1, my_node.id - 1) then simgrid.info("Updated my predecessor to " .. candidate_predecessor) my_node.predecessor = math.tointeger(candidate_predecessor) end end -- Notifies a remote node that its predecessor my have changed. -- - notify_to -- - candidate the possible new predecessor function remote_notify(notify_to, candidate_predecessor) simgrid.info("Updating someone else's predecessor (id: " .. notify_to .. " predecessor to ".. candidate_predecessor .. ")") local task = simgrid.task.new("", comp_size, comm_size) task.type = "notify" task.request_id = candidate_predecessor task:dsend(notify_to) end -- Refreshes the finger table of the current node, -- one finger per call. function fix_fingers() local i = math.tointeger(my_node.next_finger_to_fix) local id = find_successor(math.tointeger(my_node.id + 2^i)) simgrid.info("Called fix_fingers(). Next finger to fix: " .. i .. " and I will check " .. my_node.id + 2^i .. ". Request returned " .. id) if id ~= nil then if id ~= my_node.fingers[i] then my_node.fingers[i] = id simgrid.info("fix_fingers: Updated finger " .. i .. " to " .. id) else simgrid.info("fix_fingers: id is " .. id) end my_node.next_finger_to_fix = (i % nb_bits) + 1 end end -- Checks whether the predecessor of the current node has failed. function check_predecessor() -- TODO end -- Performs a find successor request to an arbitrary id. function random_lookup() find_successor(1337) end simgrid.platform(arg[1] or "../../msg/msg_platform.xml") simgrid.application(arg[2] or "../../msg/chord/chord90.xml") simgrid.run()