# R script that produces histograms from benchmarked values # Can be called from the bash script with the following code: # export R_INPUT=$inputfile # export R_OUTPUT=$outputfile # export R_TYPE=$hist_type # R CMD BATCH $this_script.R or Rscript $this_script.R # Use functions from bench.h to benchmark execution time of the desired block, then Rhist.R script to read all timings # and produce histograms and finally inject.h to inject values instead of executing block # This is a small function to help merging empty nbins for dhist histograms merge_empty_bins <- function (h){ i<-1 j<-1 counts2<--1 breaks2<-h$breaks[1] if (length(h$counts)>1) for(i in 1:(length(h$counts)-1)){ if(h$counts[i]!=0 || h$counts[i+1]!=0){ counts2[j]<-h$counts[i] breaks2[j+1]<-h$breaks[i+1]; j<-j+1 } } counts2[j]<-h$counts[length(h$counts)] breaks2[j+1]<-h$breaks[length(h$breaks)] h$counts<-counts2 h$breaks<-breaks2 return (h) } # Main source("analysis/hist_script/Rdhist.R") inputfile<-Sys.getenv("R_INPUT") outputfile<-Sys.getenv("R_OUTPUT") type<-Sys.getenv("R_TYPE") if (!(type %in% c("mean","default","sturges","scott"))){stop("Wrong histogram type")} df<-read.table(inputfile,header=F) df<-df[,c(1,4)] names(df)<-c("NAME","TIME") attach(df) for(i in unique(NAME)){ vector1<-df[NAME==i,2] if (length(vector1)==1){ #If there is only one element h<-hist(vector1) # Just for R compatibility reasons h$breaks<-c(vector1,vector1) h$counts<-1 } else { if (type=="mean"){ #Mean value only h<-hist(vector1) # Just for R compatibility reasons h$breaks<-c(mean(vector1),mean(vector1)) h$counts<-length(vector1) } else if (type=="default") #Standard HISTOGRAM: h<-hist(vector1) else { #Dhist: h<-dhist(vector1,nbins=type, plot = FALSE, lab.spikes = FALSE, a=5*iqr(vector1), eps=0.15) h$breaks<-h$xbr h$count<-as.vector(h$counts) h$counts<-h$count h<-merge_empty_bins(h) } } cat(i, file = outputfile, sep = "\t", append = TRUE) cat("\t", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) cat(sum(h$counts), file =outputfile, sep = "\t", append = TRUE) cat("\t", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) cat(sprintf("%.8f", mean(vector1)), file =outputfile, sep = "\t", append = TRUE) cat("\t", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) cat(length(h$breaks), file = outputfile, append = TRUE) cat("\t", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) cat(sprintf("%.8f", h$breaks), file = outputfile, sep = "\t", append = TRUE) cat("\t", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) h$density = h$counts/sum(h$counts) cat(sprintf("%.8f", h$density), file = outputfile, sep = "\t", append = TRUE) cat("\n", file = outputfile, append = TRUE) }