-- Copyright (c) 2011, 2014. The SimGrid Team. -- All rights reserved. -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. require("sim_splay") function SPLAYschool() log:print("My ip is: "..job.me.ip()) for i = 1,200 do log:print(i) end --[[ events.sleep(5) if job.me.ip() == job.nodes[1].ip then rpc.call(job.nodes[2], {"call_me", job.me.ip()}) end events.sleep(5) os.exit() --]] end function call_me(from) log:print("I received an RPC from "..from) end events.thread("SPLAYschool") start.loop() log:print("Simulation finished")