$ ./test_server & ./test_client [arthur:server:(28048) 0.000012] [test/INFO] Convert 4321 to string [arthur:server:(28048) 0.000085] [test/INFO] 4321 converted to string: 4321 [arthur:server:(28048) 0.000617] [test/INFO] Convert 1234 to long [arthur:server:(28048) 0.000952] [test/INFO] Convert azerty to long [arthur:server:(28048) 0.110106] [test/INFO] Server done [arthur:server:(28048) 0.110150] [gras/INFO] Exiting GRAS [arthur:client:(28052) 0.000016] [test/INFO] Ask to convert 4321 [arthur:client:(28052) 0.000856] [test/INFO] The server says that 4321 is equal to "4321". [arthur:client:(28052) 0.000886] [test/INFO] Ask to convert 1234 [arthur:client:(28052) 0.001223] [test/INFO] The server says that "1234" is equal to 1234. [arthur:client:(28052) 0.110165] [test/INFO] The server refuses to convert azerty. Here is the received exception: ** SimGrid: UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION received on arthur(28052): category: invalid_arg; value: 0 ** Error while converting azerty: this does not seem to be a valid number (problem at 'azerty') ** Thrown by server() on host arthur(28048) [arthur:client:(28052) 0.110266] xbt/ex.c:113: [xbt_ex/CRITICAL] Error while converting azerty: this does not seem to be a valid number (problem at 'azerty') ** In server_convert_a2i_cb() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/doc/gtut-files/test.c:48 ** In gras_msg_handle() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/src/gras/Msg/gras_msg_exchange.c:400 ** In server() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/doc/gtut-files/test.c:71 [arthur:client:(28052) 0.110314] [test/INFO] Again, previous exception was excepted [arthur:client:(28052) 0.110415] [test/INFO] Stopped the server [arthur:client:(28052) 0.110442] [gras/INFO] Exiting GRAS $ $ killall test_server $ $ ./test_simulator platform.xml test.xml [Boivin:client:(2) 0.000000] [test/INFO] Ask to convert 4321 [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.000538] [test/INFO] Convert 4321 to string [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.000538] [test/INFO] 4321 converted to string: 4321 [Boivin:client:(2) 0.001077] [test/INFO] The server says that 4321 is equal to "4321". [Boivin:client:(2) 0.001077] [test/INFO] Ask to convert 1234 [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.001615] [test/INFO] Convert 1234 to long [Boivin:client:(2) 0.002153] [test/INFO] The server says that "1234" is equal to 1234. [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.002692] [test/INFO] Convert azerty to long [Boivin:client:(2) 0.003429] [test/INFO] The server refuses to convert azerty. Here is the received exception: ** SimGrid: UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION received on Boivin(2): category: invalid_arg; value: 0 ** Error while converting azerty: this does not seem to be a valid number (problem at 'azerty') ** Thrown by server() on host Jacquelin(1) [Boivin:client:(2) 0.003429] xbt/ex.c:113: [xbt_ex/CRITICAL] Error while converting azerty: this does not seem to be a valid number (problem at 'azerty') ** In server_convert_a2i_cb() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/doc/gtut-files/test.c:48 ** In gras_msg_handle() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/src/gras/Msg/gras_msg_exchange.c:400 ** In server() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/doc/gtut-files/test.c:71 ** In xbt_ctx_thread_wrapper() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/src/xbt/xbt_context_thread.c:276 ** In wrapper_start_routine() at /home/mquinson/Code/simgrid-git/src/xbt/xbt_os_thread.c:124 ** In start_thread() at ??:0 ** In __clone() at ??:0 [Boivin:client:(2) 0.003429] [test/INFO] Again, previous exception was excepted [Boivin:client:(2) 0.003966] [test/INFO] Stopped the server [Boivin:client:(2) 0.003966] [gras/INFO] Exiting GRAS [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.003966] [test/INFO] Server done [Jacquelin:server:(1) 0.003966] [gras/INFO] Exiting GRAS $