### SET THE LIBRARY EXTENSION AND GCC VERSION if(APPLE) #MAC set(LIB_EXE "dylib") else(APPLE) if(WIN32) #WINDOWS set(LIB_EXE "a") set(BIN_EXE ".exe") else(WIN32) #UNIX set(LIB_EXE "so") endif(WIN32) endif(APPLE) find_library(PATH_PCRE_LIB NAMES pcre HINTS $ENV{SIMGRID_PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES lib/ GnuWin32/lib PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr) string(REGEX MATCH ".dll.a" operation "${PATH_PCRE_LIB}") if(NOT operation) if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}-DPCRE_STATIC ") endif(WIN32) endif(NOT operation) find_path(PATH_PCRE_H "pcre.h" HINTS $ENV{SIMGRID_PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES include/ GnuWin32/include PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre.h") if(PATH_PCRE_H) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre.h - found") else(PATH_PCRE_H) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre.h - not found") endif(PATH_PCRE_H) message(STATUS "Looking for lib pcre") if(PATH_PCRE_LIB) message(STATUS "Looking for lib pcre - found") else(PATH_PCRE_LIB) message(STATUS "Looking for lib pcre - not found") endif(PATH_PCRE_LIB) if(WIN32) find_path(PATH_PCRE_LICENCE "LICENCE" HINTS $ENV{SIMGRID_PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $ENV{PCRE_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES GnuWin32 PATHS /opt /opt/local /opt/csw /sw /usr) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre licence") if(PATH_PCRE_LICENCE) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre licence - found") else(PATH_PCRE_LICENCE) message(STATUS "Looking for pcre licence - not found") endif(PATH_PCRE_LICENCE) endif(WIN32) if(PATH_PCRE_LIB AND PATH_PCRE_H) string(REGEX REPLACE "/libpcre.*[.]${LIB_EXE}$" "" PATHLIBPCRE "${PATH_PCRE_LIB}") string(REGEX REPLACE "/pcre.h" "" PATH_PCRE_H "${PATH_PCRE_H}") string(REGEX MATCH "-L${PATHLIBPCRE} " operation "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") if(NOT operation) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}-L${PATHLIBPCRE} ") endif(NOT operation) string(REGEX MATCH "-I${PATH_PCRE_H} " operation "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") if(NOT operation) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}-I${PATH_PCRE_H} ") endif(NOT operation) else(PATH_PCRE_LIB) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the libpcre3-dev package or equivalent before using SimGrid.") endif(PATH_PCRE_LIB AND PATH_PCRE_H) mark_as_advanced(PATH_PCRE_H) mark_as_advanced(PATH_PCRE_LIB)