======= instrumented SimGrid ======= In order to trace the simulators created with the SimGrid toolkit and based on the MSG interface, you have to enable the instrumentation mechanisms with this option to the configure command (in addition to other options you may be already using): $ ./configure --enable-tracing By doing that, you will have access to a set of tracing functions that are described below. You can keep the calls for these functions in your code even if SimGrid was compiled without this configuration option. Mandatory functions: ========= int TRACE_start(const char *filename); This is the first function to be called. It receives a single argument as parameter that contains the name of the file that will hold the trace in the end of the simulation. It returns 1 if everything was properly initialized, 0 otherwise. All trace functions called before TRACE_start do nothing. By default, the instrumentation will trace the platform behavior (host and link utilization). int TRACE_end (void); This is the last function to be called. It closes the trace file and disable the tracing of the simulation. All trace functions called after TRACE_end do nothing. void TRACE_category (const char *category); This function should be used to define a user category. The category can be used to differentiate the tasks that are created during the simulation (for example, tasks from server1, server2, ...). All resource utilization (host power and link bandwidth) will be classified according to the task category. Tasks that do not belong to a category are not traced. void TRACE_msg_set_task_category (m_task_t task, const char *category); This function should be called after the creation of a task, to define the category of that task. Only tasks with a category are traced when TRACE_TASK is used as mask. Optional functions (that can be used if necessary): ======== void TRACE_set_mask (int mask); This function can be used to control what is traced during the simulation. The user has four masks that can be used: - TRACE_PLATFORM - trace resource (host,link) utilization - TRACE_PROCESS - trace process behavior (suspend, execute) - TRACE_TASK - trace task behavior (created, execute, comm) - NO_TRACE - can be used to disable the traces for a moment The platform mask must be present in order to trace processes or tasks. void TRACE_start_with_mask (const char *filename, int mask); This function can be used to start the tracing with a different mask and replaces the use of TRACE_start. The initial mask defined with this function cannot be "extended" later with the TRACE_set_mask function. This means that if TRACE_start_with_mask is called with the mask (TRACE_PLATFORM|TRACE_TASK), the user cannot set the mask later to (TRACE_PLATFORM|TRACE_PROCESS), for instance. The best combinations of mask for tracing the current instrumentation are: - (TRACE_PLATFORM|TRACE_TASK) or Tasks are grouped by hosts. - (TRACE_PLATFORM|TRACE_PROCESS) or Processes are grouped by hosts. - (TRACE_PLATFORM|TRACE_PROCESS|TRACE_TASK) Processes are grouped by hosts, tasks by processes. Only tasks and processes belonging to a category are traced. void TRACE_host_variable_declare (const char *variable); Declare a user variable that will be associated to the host. void TRACE_host_variable_set (const char *variable, double value); void TRACE_host_variable_add (const char *variable, double value); void TRACE_host_variable_sub (const char *variable, double value); Set the value of a given user variable. It is important to remind that the value of this variable is always associated to the host. The host that will be used when these functions are called is the one returned by the function MSG_host_self(). void TRACE_define_type (const char *type, const char *parent_type, int final); This function allows the definition of a type hierarchy that can be used to create different categories. This root of the type hierarchy is defined as "0", so the first level of type must be child of the type "0". The boolean parameter final (1 or 0) indicates if the categories of a given type will be used to mark MSG tasks or not. This is used to differentiate types that are defined only to group other types. void TRACE_create_category (const char *category, const char *type, const char *parent_category); This functions allows the creation of categories and a hierarchy of categories. Each category created with this function (first parameter) must belong to a given type previously defined with the TRACE_define_type. It has to be also a child of a previously created category, which is indicated by the parent_category. The user can created categories that are child of "0" if the type of this newly created category is also child of the type "0" (as defined by TRACE_define_type). void TRACE_msg_set_process_category (m_process_t process, const char *category); This function can be used to define the category of a process. The same categories declared for tasks can be used here. After setting the category of a process and enabling the mask TRACE_PROCESS, the instrumentation will trace the process behavior, such as the states for execution, suspend, and so on. Only processes with categories are traced when TRACE_PROCESS is enabled.