image: simgrid/build-deps stages: - build - deploy ctest: stage: build except: - stable script: - cmake -Denable_model-checking=OFF -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_coverage=OFF -Denable_lua=OFF -Denable_compile_optimizations=ON -Denable_smpi=ON -Denable_smpi_MPICH3_testsuite=ON -Denable_compile_warnings=ON -DLTO_EXTRA_FLAG="auto" . - make -j$(nproc) VERBOSE=1 all tests && ctest -j$(nproc) --output-on-failure artifacts: paths: - lib/ expire_in: 1 week release: stage: build only: - stable script: - apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update && apt install -y binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu wget unzip zip # Build the linux version of the jarfile without the boost dependency - cmake -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_java=ON -Denable_msg=ON -Denable_lib_in_jar=ON -Dminimal-bindings=ON -Denable_compile_optimizations=ON -Denable_smpi=OFF -DLTO_EXTRA_FLAG="auto" . - make VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) dist simgrid simgrid-java_jar # This cannot work anymore because Java is now built by the modelchecker jenkins configuration, that is not on macosx # Please use the github action instead # - make VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) dist simgrid simgrid-java_jar # # Get the foreign architectures # - wget -O simgrid-windows.jar # - export SGVER=`grep SimGrid ChangeLog|head -n1|sed -e 's/SimGrid (//' -e 's/).*//'` # - wget,node=macos/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/simgrid-${SGVER}/build/simgrid.jar -O simgrid-mac.jar # # Open all jar files, and strip them # - mkdir content ; cd content # - for j in ../simgrid.jar ../simgrid-windows.jar ../simgrid-mac.jar ; do unzip -n $j ; done # - strip NATIVE/*/*/*.so # - x86_64-linux-gnu-strip NATIVE/*/*/lib*dll # - zip -r ../simgrid-${SGVER}.jar * artifacts: paths: # - simgrid-*.jar - simgrid-*.tar.gz pip: image: debian:testing stage: build except: - stable script: - apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update && apt install -y python3-pip cmake libboost-dev g++ gcc pybind11-dev - python3 sdist - cd dist && tar xfz simgrid*.tar.gz && cd simgrid-*/ && python3 build pages: stage: deploy script: - pip3 install --requirement docs/requirements.txt - cd docs/source/_ext/javasphinx; python3 build; python3 install - cd ../../.. - LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 ./ - mv build/html ../public # - The CSS contains a reference to a font or something, not something we gonna fix on our side # - The javasphinx output does not exist in the git, so the "edit on FramaGit" link is broken. # I'd like to report this as a bug, but javasphinx seems abandonned upstream. #not installed - linkchecker --ignore-url='.*\.css$' --ignore-url=public/java/org ../public # From time to time, we should check external links with the # following, but it has a lot of false positive # - linkchecker --ignore-url='.*\.css$' --ignore-url=public/java/org --check-extern ../public artifacts: paths: - public only: - master needs: ["ctest"]