#! /usr/bin/env perl # -*- Mode: perl; -*- # # This script is the beginnings of a script to run a sequence of test # programs. See the MPICH document for a description of the test # strategy and requirements. # # Description # Tests are controlled by a file listing test programs; if the file is # a directory, then all of the programs in the directory and subdirectories # are run # # To run a test, the following steps are executed # Build the executable: # make programname # Run the executable # mpiexec -n ./programname >out 2>err # Check the return code (non zero is failure) # Check the stderr output (non empty is failure) # Check the stdout output (No Errors or Test passed are the only valid # output) # Remove executable, out, err files # # The format of a list file is # programname number-of-processes # If number-of-processes is missing, $np_default is used (this is 2 but can # be overridden with -np=new-value) # # Special feature: # Because these tests can take a long time to run, there is an # option to cause the tests to stop is a "stopfile" is found. # The stopfile can be created by a separate, watchdog process, to ensure that # tests end at a certain time. # The name of this file is (by default) .stoptest # in the top-level run directory. The environment variable # MPITEST_STOPTEST # can specify a different file name. # # Import the mkpath command use File::Path; # Global variables $MPIMajorVersion = "2"; $MPIMinorVersion = "2"; $mpiexec = "smpirun"; # Name of mpiexec program (including path, if necessary) $testIsStrict = "true"; $MPIhasMPIX = "no"; $np_arg = "-np"; # Name of argument to specify the number of processes $err_count = 0; # Number of programs that failed. $total_run = 0; # Number of programs tested $total_seen = 0; # Number of programs considered for testing $np_default = 2; # Default number of processes to use $np_max = -1; # Maximum number of processes to use (overrides any # value in the test list files. -1 is Infinity $defaultTimeLimit = 180; # default timeout $srcdir = "."; # Used to set the source dir for testlist files $curdir = "."; # used to track the relative current directory # Output forms $xmloutput = 0; # Set to true to get xml output (also specify file) $closeXMLOutput = 1; # Set to false to leave XML output file open to # accept additional data $verbose = 1; # Set to true to get more output $showProgress = 0; # Set to true to get a "." with each run program. $newline = "\r\n"; # Set to \r\n for Windows-friendly, \n for Unix only $batchRun = 0; # Set to true to batch the execution of the tests # (i.e., run them together, then test output, # rather than build/run/check for each test) $testCount = 0; # Used with batchRun to count tests. $batrundir = "."; # Set to the directory into which to run the examples $execarg=""; $wrapparg=""; $enabled_privatization = 1; # disable tests that need SMPI privatization to run # TAP (Test Anything Protocol) output my $tapoutput = 0; my $tapfile = ''; my $tapfullfile = ''; $debug = 1; $depth = 0; # This is used to manage multiple open list files # Build flags $remove_this_pgm = 0; $clean_pgms = 0; my $program_wrapper = ''; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get some arguments from the environment # Currently, only the following are understood: # VERBOSE # RUNTESTS_VERBOSE (an alias for VERBOSE in case you want to # reserve VERBOSE) # RUNTESTS_SHOWPROGRESS # MPITEST_STOPTEST # MPITEST_TIMEOUT # MPITEST_PROGRAM_WRAPPER (Value is added after -np but before test # executable. Tools like valgrind may be inserted # this way.) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( defined($ENV{"VERBOSE"}) || defined($ENV{"V"}) || defined($ENV{"RUNTESTS_VERBOSE"}) ) { $verbose = 1; } if ( defined($ENV{"RUNTESTS_SHOWPROGRESS"} ) ) { $showProgress = 1; } if (defined($ENV{"MPITEST_STOPTEST"})) { $stopfile = $ENV{"MPITEST_STOPTEST"}; } else { $stopfile = `pwd` . "/.stoptest"; $stopfile =~ s/\r*\n*//g; # Remove any newlines (from pwd) } if (defined($ENV{"MPITEST_TIMEOUT"})) { $defaultTimeLimit = $ENV{"MPITEST_TIMEOUT"}; } # Define this to leave the XML output file open to receive additional data if (defined($ENV{'NOXMLCLOSE'}) && $ENV{'NOXMLCLOSE'} eq 'YES') { $closeXMLOutput = 0; } if (defined($ENV{'MPITEST_PROGRAM_WRAPPER'})) { $program_wrapper = $ENV{'MPITEST_PROGRAM_WRAPPER'}; } if (defined($ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'})) { if ($ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'} eq 'YES' || $ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'} eq 'yes') { $batchRun = 1; } elsif ($ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'} eq 'NO' || $ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'} eq 'no') { $batchRun = 0; } else { print STDERR "Unrecognized value for MPITEST_BATCH = $ENV{'MPITEST_BATCH'}\n"; } } if (defined($ENV{'MPITEST_BATCHDIR'})) { $batrundir = $ENV{'MPITEST_BATCHDIR'}; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process arguments and override any defaults #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach $_ (@ARGV) { if (/--?mpiexec=(.*)/) { # Use mpiexec as given - it may be in the path, and # we don't want to bother to try and find it. $mpiexec = $1; } elsif (/--?np=(.*)/) { $np_default = $1; } elsif (/--?maxnp=(.*)/) { $np_max = $1; } elsif (/--?tests=(.*)/) { $listfiles = $1; } elsif (/--?srcdir=(.*)/) { $srcdir = $1; $mpiexec="$mpiexec -platform ${srcdir}/../../../../examples/platforms/small_platform_with_routers.xml -hostfile ${srcdir}/../../hostfile_coll --log=root.thr:critical --cfg=smpi/running-power:1e9 --cfg=smpi/async-small-thresh:65536"; } elsif (/--?verbose/) { $verbose = 1; } elsif (/--?showprogress/) { $showProgress = 1; } elsif (/--?debug/) { $debug = 1; } elsif (/--?batch/) { $batchRun = 1; } elsif (/--?batchdir=(.*)/) { $batrundir = $1; } elsif (/--?timeoutarg=(.*)/) { $timeoutArgPattern = $1; } elsif (/--?execarg=(.*)/) { $execarg = "$execarg $1"; } elsif (/--?privatization=(.*)/) { print STDERR "privatization called\n"; $enabled_privatization = $1; } elsif (/VALGRIND_COMMAND=(.*)/) { $valgrind = $1; } elsif (/VALGRIND_OPTIONS=(.*)/) { $wrapparg = "-wrapper \"$valgrind $1\""; } elsif (/--?xmlfile=(.*)/) { $xmlfile = $1; if (! ($xmlfile =~ /^\//)) { $thisdir = `pwd`; chop $thisdir; $xmlfullfile = $thisdir . "/" . $xmlfile ; } else { $xmlfullfile = $xmlfile; } $xmloutput = 1; open( XMLOUT, ">$xmlfile" ) || die "Cannot open $xmlfile\n"; my $date = `date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"`; $date =~ s/\r?\n//; # MPISOURCE can be used to describe the source of MPI for this # test. print XMLOUT "$newline"; print XMLOUT "$newline"; print XMLOUT "$newline"; print XMLOUT "$date$newline"; print XMLOUT "$newline"; } elsif (/--?noxmlclose/) { $closeXMLOutput = 0; } elsif (/--?tapfile=(.*)/) { $tapfile = $1; if ($tapfile !~ m|^/|) { $thisdir = `pwd`; chomp $thisdir; $tapfullfile = $thisdir . "/" . $tapfile ; } else { $tapfullfile = $tapfile; } $tapoutput = 1; open( TAPOUT, ">$tapfile" ) || die "Cannot open $tapfile\n"; my $date = `date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"`; $date =~ s/\r?\n//; print TAPOUT "TAP version 13\n"; print TAPOUT "# MPICH test suite results (TAP format)\n"; print TAPOUT "# date ${date}\n"; # we do not know at this point how many tests will be run, so do # not print a test plan line like "1..450" until the very end } } # Perform any post argument processing if ($batchRun) { if (! -d $batrundir) { mkpath $batrundir || die "Could not create $batrundir\n"; } open( BATOUT, ">$batrundir/runtests.batch" ) || die "Could not open $batrundir/runtests.batch\n"; } else { # We must have mpiexec if ("$mpiexec" eq "") { print STDERR "No mpiexec found!\n"; exit(1); } } # # Process any files if ($listfiles eq "") { if ($batchRun) { print STDERR "An implicit list of tests is not permitted in batch mode\n"; exit(1); } else { &ProcessImplicitList; } } elsif (-d $listfiles) { print STDERR "Testing by directories not yet supported\n"; } else { &RunList( $listfiles ); } if ($xmloutput && $closeXMLOutput) { print XMLOUT "$newline"; close XMLOUT; } if ($tapoutput) { print TAPOUT "1..$total_seen\n"; close TAPOUT; } # Output a summary: if ($batchRun) { print "Programs created along with a runtest.batch file in $batrundir\n"; print "Run that script and then use checktests to summarize the results\n"; } else { if ($err_count) { print "$err_count tests failed out of $total_run\n"; if ($xmloutput) { print "Details in $xmlfullfile\n"; } } else { print " All $total_run tests passed!\n"; } if ($tapoutput) { print "TAP formatted results in $tapfullfile\n"; } } # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Routines # # Enter a new directory and process a list file. # ProcessDir( directory-name, list-file-name ) sub ProcessDir { my $dir = $_[0]; $dir =~ s/\/$//; my $listfile = $_[1]; my $savedir = `pwd`; my $savecurdir = $curdir; my $savesrcdir = $srcdir; chop $savedir; if (substr($srcdir,0,3) eq "../") { $srcdir = "../$srcdir"; } print "Processing directory $dir\n" if ($verbose || $debug); chdir $dir; if ($dir =~ /\//) { print STDERR "only direct subdirectories allowed in list files"; } $curdir .= "/$dir"; &RunList( $listfile ); print "\n" if $showProgress; # Terminate line from progress output chdir $savedir; $curdir = $savecurdir; $srcdir = $savesrcdir; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run the programs listed in the file given as the argument. # This file describes the tests in the format # programname number-of-processes [ key=value ... ] # If the second value is not given, the default value is used. # sub RunList { my $LIST = "LIST$depth"; $depth++; my $listfile = $_[0]; my $ResultTest = ""; my $InitForRun = ""; my $listfileSource = $listfile; print "Looking in $curdir/$listfile\n" if $debug; if (! -s "$listfile" && -s "$srcdir/$curdir/$listfile" ) { $listfileSource = "$srcdir/$curdir/$listfile"; } open( $LIST, "<$listfileSource" ) || die "Could not open $listfileSource\n"; while (<$LIST>) { # Check for stop file if (-s $stopfile) { # Exit because we found a stopfile print STDERR "Terminating test because stopfile $stopfile found\n"; last; } # Skip comments s/#.*//g; # Remove any trailing newlines/returns s/\r?\n//; # Remove any leading whitespace s/^\s*//; # Some tests require that support routines are built first # This is specified with !: if (/^\s*\!([^:]*):(.*)/) { # Hack: just execute in a subshell. This discards any # output. `cd $1 && make $2`; next; } # List file entries have the form: # program [ np [ name=value ... ] ] # See files errhan/testlist, init/testlist, and spawn/testlist # for examples of using the key=value form my @args = split(/\s+/,$_); my $programname = $args[0]; my $np = ""; my $ResultTest = ""; my $InitForRun = ""; my $timeLimit = ""; my $progArgs = ""; my $mpiexecArgs = "$execarg"; my $requiresStrict = ""; my $requiresMPIX = ""; my $progEnv = ""; my $mpiVersion = ""; my $needs_privatization = 0; my $xfail = ""; if ($#args >= 1) { $np = $args[1]; } # Process the key=value arguments for (my $i=2; $i <= $#args; $i++) { if ($args[$i] =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) { my $key = $1; my $value = $2; if ($key eq "resultTest") { $ResultTest = $value; } elsif ($key eq "init") { $InitForRun = $value; } elsif ($key eq "timeLimit") { $timeLimit = $value; } elsif ($key eq "arg") { $progArgs = "$progArgs $value"; } elsif ($key eq "mpiexecarg") { $mpiexecArgs = "$mpiexecArgs $value"; } elsif ($key eq "env") { $progEnv = "$progEnv $value"; } elsif ($key eq "mpiversion") { $mpiVersion = $value; } elsif ($key eq "needs_privatization") { $needs_privatization = $value; } elsif ($key eq "strict") { $requiresStrict = $value } elsif ($key eq "mpix") { $requiresMPIX = $value } elsif ($key eq "xfail") { if ($value eq "") { print STDERR "\"xfail=\" requires an argument\n"; } $xfail = $value; } else { print STDERR "Unrecognized key $key in $listfileSource\n"; } } } # skip empty lines if ($programname eq "") { next; } #if privatization is disabled, and if the test needs it, ignore it if ($needs_privatization == 1 && $enabled_privatization != 1) { SkippedTest($programname, $np, $workdir, "requires SMPI privatization"); next; } if ($np eq "") { $np = $np_default; } if ($np_max > 0 && $np > $np_max) { $np = $np_max; } # allows us to accurately output TAP test numbers without disturbing the # original totals that have traditionally been reported # # These "unless" blocks are ugly, but permit us to honor skipping # criteria for directories as well without counting directories as tests # in our XML/TAP output. unless (-d $programname) { $total_seen++; } # If a minimum MPI version is specified, check against the # available MPI. If the version is unknown, we ignore this # test (thus, all tests will be run). if ($mpiVersion ne "" && $MPIMajorVersion ne "unknown" && $MPIMinorVersion ne "unknown") { my ($majorReq,$minorReq) = split(/\./,$mpiVersion); if ($majorReq > $MPIMajorVersion or ($majorReq == $MPIMajorVersion && $minorReq > $MPIMinorVersion)) { unless (-d $programname) { SkippedTest($programname, $np, $workdir, "requires MPI version $mpiVersion"); } next; } } # Check whether strict is required by MPI but not by the # test (use strict=false for tests that use non-standard extensions) if (lc($requiresStrict) eq "false" && lc($testIsStrict) eq "true") { unless (-d $programname) { SkippedTest($programname, $np, $workdir, "non-strict test, strict MPI mode requested"); } next; } if (lc($testIsStrict) eq "true") { # Strict MPI testing was requested, so assume that a non-MPICH MPI # implementation is being tested and the "xfail" implementation # assumptions do not hold. $xfail = ''; } if (lc($requiresMPIX) eq "true" && lc($MPIHasMPIX) eq "no") { unless (-d $programname) { SkippedTest($programname, $np, $workdir, "tests MPIX extensions, MPIX testing disabled"); } next; } if (-d $programname) { # If a directory, go into the that directory and # look for a new list file &ProcessDir( $programname, $listfile ); } else { $total_run++; if (&BuildMPIProgram( $programname, $xfail ) == 0) { if ($batchRun == 1) { &AddMPIProgram( $programname, $np, $ResultTest, $InitForRun, $timeLimit, $progArgs, $progEnv, $mpiexecArgs, $xfail ); } else { &RunMPIProgram( $programname, $np, $ResultTest, $InitForRun, $timeLimit, $progArgs, $progEnv, $mpiexecArgs, $xfail ); } } elsif ($xfail ne '') { # We expected to run this program, so failure to build # is an error $found_error = 1; $err_count++; } if ($batchRun == 0) { &CleanUpAfterRun( $programname ); } } } close( $LIST ); } # # This routine tries to run all of the files in the current # directory sub ProcessImplicitList { # The default is to run every file in the current directory. # If there are no built programs, build and run every file # WARNING: This assumes that anything executable should be run as # an MPI test. $found_exec = 0; $found_src = 0; open (PGMS, "ls -1 |" ) || die "Cannot list directory\n"; while () { s/\r?\n//; $programname = $_; if (-d $programname) { next; } # Ignore directories if ($programname eq "runtests") { next; } # Ignore self if ($programname eq "checktests") { next; } # Ignore helper if ($programname eq "configure") { next; } # Ignore configure script if ($programname eq "config.status") { next; } # Ignore configure helper if (-x $programname) { $found_exec++; } if ($programname =~ /\.[cf]$/) { $found_src++; } } close PGMS; if ($found_exec) { print "Found executables\n" if $debug; open (PGMS, "ls -1 |" ) || die "Cannot list programs\n"; while () { # Check for stop file if (-s $stopfile) { # Exit because we found a stopfile print STDERR "Terminating test because stopfile $stopfile found\n"; last; } s/\r?\n//; $programname = $_; if (-d $programname) { next; } # Ignore directories if ($programname eq "runtests") { next; } # Ignore self if (-x $programname) { $total_run++; &RunMPIProgram( $programname, $np_default, "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ); } } close PGMS; } elsif ($found_src) { print "Found source files\n" if $debug; open (PGMS, "ls -1 *.c |" ) || die "Cannot list programs\n"; while () { if (-s $stopfile) { # Exit because we found a stopfile print STDERR "Terminating test because stopfile $stopfile found\n"; last; } s/\r?\n//; $programname = $_; # Skip messages from ls about no files if (! -s $programname) { next; } $programname =~ s/\.c//; $total_run++; if (&BuildMPIProgram( $programname, "") == 0) { &RunMPIProgram( $programname, $np_default, "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ); } else { # We expected to run this program, so failure to build # is an error $found_error = 1; $err_count++; } &CleanUpAfterRun( $programname ); } close PGMS; } } # Run the program. # ToDo: Add a way to limit the time that any particular program may run. # The arguments are # name of program, number of processes, name of routine to check results # init for testing, timelimit, and any additional program arguments # If the 3rd arg is not present, the a default that simply checks that the # return status is 0 and that the output is " No Errors" is used. sub RunMPIProgram { my ($programname,$np,$ResultTest,$InitForTest,$timeLimit,$progArgs,$progEnv,$mpiexecArgs,$xfail) = @_; my $found_error = 0; my $found_noerror = 0; my $inline = ""; &RunPreMsg( $programname, $np, $curdir ); unlink "err"; # Set a default timeout on tests (3 minutes for now) my $timeout = $defaultTimeLimit; if (defined($timeLimit) && $timeLimit =~ /^\d+$/) { $timeout = $timeLimit; } $ENV{"MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT"} = $timeout; # Run the optional setup routine. For example, the timeout tests could # be set to a shorter timeout. if ($InitForTest ne "") { &$InitForTest(); } print STDOUT "Env includes $progEnv\n" if $verbose; print STDOUT "$mpiexec $wrapparg $mpiexecArgs $np_arg $np $program_wrapper ./$programname $progArgs\n" if $verbose; print STDOUT "." if $showProgress; # Save and restore the environment if necessary before running mpiexec. if ($progEnv ne "") { %saveEnv = %ENV; foreach $val (split(/\s+/, $progEnv)) { if ($val =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) { $ENV{$1} = $2; } else { print STDERR "Environment variable/value $val not in a=b form\n"; } } } open ( MPIOUT, "$mpiexec $wrapparg $np_arg $np $mpiexecArgs $program_wrapper ./$programname $progArgs 2>&1 |" ) || die "Could not run ./$programname\n"; if ($progEnv ne "") { %ENV = %saveEnv; } if ($ResultTest ne "") { # Read and process the output ($found_error, $inline) = &$ResultTest( MPIOUT, $programname ); } else { if ($verbose) { $inline = "$mpiexec $wrapparg $np_arg $np $program_wrapper ./$programname\n"; } else { $inline = ""; } while () { print STDOUT $_ if $verbose; # Skip FORTRAN STOP if (/FORTRAN STOP/) { next; } $inline .= $_; if (/^\s*No [Ee]rrors\s*$/ && $found_noerror == 0) { $found_noerror = 1; } if (! /^\s*No [Ee]rrors\s*$/ && !/^\s*Test Passed\s*$/) { print STDERR "Unexpected output in $programname: $_"; if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } } } if ($found_noerror == 0) { print STDERR "Program $programname exited without No Errors\n"; if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } } $rc = close ( MPIOUT ); if ($rc == 0) { # Only generate a message if we think that the program # passed the test. if (!$found_error) { $run_status = $?; $signal_num = $run_status & 127; if ($run_status > 255) { $run_status >>= 8; } print STDERR "Program $programname exited with non-zero status $run_status\n"; if ($signal_num != 0) { print STDERR "Program $programname exited with signal $signal_num\n"; } $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } } } if ($found_error) { &RunTestFailed( $programname, $np, $curdir, $inline, $xfail ); } else { &RunTestPassed( $programname, $np, $curdir, $xfail ); } &RunPostMsg( $programname, $np, $curdir ); } # This version simply writes the mpiexec command out, with the output going # into a file, and recording the output status of the run. sub AddMPIProgram { my ($programname,$np,$ResultTest,$InitForTest,$timeLimit,$progArgs,$progEnv,$mpiexecArgs, $xfail) = @_; if (! -x $programname) { print STDERR "Could not find $programname!"; return; } if ($ResultTest ne "") { # This test really needs to be run manually, with this test # Eventually, we can update this to include handleing in checktests. print STDERR "Run $curdir/$programname with $np processes and use $ResultTest to check the results\n"; return; } # Set a default timeout on tests (3 minutes for now) my $timeout = $defaultTimeLimit; if (defined($timeLimit) && $timeLimit =~ /^\d+$/) { # On some systems, there is no effective time limit on # individual mpi program runs. In that case, we may # want to treat these also as "run manually". $timeout = $timeLimit; } print BATOUT "export MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT=$timeout\n"; # Run the optional setup routine. For example, the timeout tests could # be set to a shorter timeout. if ($InitForTest ne "") { &$InitForTest(); } # For non-MPICH versions of mpiexec, a timeout may require a different # environment variable or command line option (e.g., for Cray aprun, # the option -t must be given, there is no environment variable # to set the timeout. $extraArgs = ""; if (defined($timeoutArgPattern) && $timeoutArgPattern ne "") { my $timeArg = $timeoutArgPattern; $timeoutArg =~ s//$timeout/; $extraArgs .= $timeoutArg } print STDOUT "Env includes $progEnv\n" if $verbose; print STDOUT "$mpiexec $np_arg $np $extraArgs $program_wrapper ./$programname $progArgs\n" if $verbose; print STDOUT "." if $showProgress; # Save and restore the environment if necessary before running mpiexec. if ($progEnv ne "") { # Need to fix: # save_NAME_is_set=is old name set # save_NAME=oldValue # export NAME=newvalue # (run) # export NAME=oldValue (if set!) print STDERR "Batch output does not permit changes to environment\n"; } # The approach here is to move the test codes to a single directory from # which they can be run; this avoids complex code to change directories # and ensure that the output goes "into the right place". $testCount++; rename $programname, "$batrundir/$programname"; print BATOUT "echo \"# $mpiexec $np_arg $np $extraArgs $mpiexecArgs $program_wrapper $curdir/$programname $progArgs\" > runtests.$testCount.out\n"; # Some programs expect to run in the same directory as the executable print BATOUT "$mpiexec $np_arg $np $extraArgs $mpiexecArgs $program_wrapper ./$programname $progArgs >> runtests.$testCount.out 2>&1\n"; print BATOUT "echo \$? > runtests.$testCount.status\n"; } # # Return value is 0 on success, non zero on failure sub BuildMPIProgram { my $programname = shift; if (! -x $programname) { die "Could not find $programname. Aborting.\n"; } return 0; # THE FOLLOWING IS DISABLED. my $xfail = shift; my $rc = 0; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "making $programname\n"; } if (! -x $programname) { $remove_this_pgm = 1; } else { $remove_this_pgm = 0; } my $output = `make $programname 2>&1`; $rc = $?; if ($rc > 255) { $rc >>= 8; } if (! -x $programname) { print STDERR "Failed to build $programname; $output\n"; if ($rc == 0) { $rc = 1; } # Add a line to the summary file describing the failure # This will ensure that failures to build will end up # in the summary file (which is otherwise written by the # RunMPIProgram step) &RunPreMsg( $programname, $np, $curdir ); &RunTestFailed( $programname, $np, $curdir, "Failed to build $programname; $output", $xfail ); &RunPostMsg( $programname, $np, $curdir ); } return $rc; } sub CleanUpAfterRun { my $programname = $_[0]; # Check for that this program has exited. If it is still running, # issue a warning and leave the application. Of course, this # check is complicated by the lack of a standard access to the # running processes for this user in Unix. @stillRunning = &FindRunning( $programname ); if ($#stillRunning > -1) { print STDERR "Some programs ($programname) may still be running:\npids = "; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#stillRunning; $i++ ) { print STDERR $stillRunning[$i] . " "; } print STDERR "\n"; # Remind the user that the executable remains; we leave it around # to allow the programmer to debug the running program, for which # the executable is needed. print STDERR "The executable ($programname) will not be removed.\n"; } else { if ($remove_this_pgm && $clean_pgms) { unlink $programname, "$programname.o"; } $remove_this_pgm = 0; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindRunning { my $programname = $_[0]; my @pids = (); my $logname = $ENV{'USER'}; my $pidloc = 1; my $rc = open PSFD, "ps auxw -U $logname 2>&1 |"; if ($rc == 0) { $rc = open PSFD, "ps -fu $logname 2>&1 |"; } if ($rc == 0) { print STDERR "Could not execute ps command\n"; return @pids; } while () { if (/$programname/) { @fields = split(/\s+/); my $pid = $fields[$pidloc]; # Check that we've found a numeric pid if ($pid =~ /^\d+$/) { $pids[$#pids + 1] = $pid; } } } close PSFD; return @pids; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TestStatus is a special test that reports success *only* when the # status return is NONZERO sub TestStatus { my $MPIOUT = $_[0]; my $programname = $_[1]; my $found_error = 0; my $inline = ""; while (<$MPIOUT>) { #print STDOUT $_ if $verbose; # Skip FORTRAN STOP if (/FORTRAN STOP/) { next; } $inline .= $_; # ANY output is an error. We have the following output # exception for the Hydra process manager. if (/=*/) { last; } if (! /^\s*$/) { print STDERR "Unexpected output in $programname: $_"; if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } } } $rc = close ( MPIOUT ); if ($rc == 0) { $run_status = $?; $signal_num = $run_status & 127; if ($run_status > 255) { $run_status >>= 8; } } else { # This test *requires* non-zero return codes if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } $inline .= "$mpiexec returned a zero status but the program returned a nonzero status\n"; } return ($found_error,$inline); } # # TestTimeout is a special test that reports success *only* when the # status return is NONZERO and there are no processes left over. # This test currently checks only for the return status. sub TestTimeout { my $MPIOUT = $_[0]; my $programname = $_[1]; my $found_error = 0; my $inline = ""; while (<$MPIOUT>) { #print STDOUT $_ if $verbose; # Skip FORTRAN STOP if (/FORTRAN STOP/) { next; } $inline .= $_; if (/[Tt]imeout/) { next; } # Allow 'signaled with Interrupt' (see gforker mpiexec) if (/signaled with Interrupt/) { next; } # Allow 'job ending due to env var MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT' (mpd) if (/job ending due to env var MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT/) { next; } # Allow 'APPLICATION TIMED OUT' (hydra) if (/\[mpiexec@.*\] APPLICATION TIMED OUT/) { last; } # ANY output is an error (other than timeout) if (! /^\s*$/) { print STDERR "Unexpected output in $programname: $_"; if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } } } $rc = close ( MPIOUT ); if ($rc == 0) { $run_status = $?; $signal_num = $run_status & 127; if ($run_status > 255) { $run_status >>= 8; } } else { # This test *requires* non-zero return codes if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } $inline .= "$mpiexec returned a zero status but the program returned a nonzero status\n"; } # # Here should go a check of the processes # open( PFD, "ps -fu $LOGNAME | grep -v grep | grep $programname |" ); # while () { # # } # close PFD; return ($found_error,$inline); } # # TestErrFatal is a special test that reports success *only* when the # status return is NONZERO; it ignores error messages sub TestErrFatal { my $MPIOUT = $_[0]; my $programname = $_[1]; my $found_error = 0; my $inline = ""; while (<$MPIOUT>) { #print STDOUT $_ if $verbose; # Skip FORTRAN STOP if (/FORTRAN STOP/) { next; } $inline .= $_; # ALL output is allowed. } $rc = close ( MPIOUT ); if ($rc == 0) { $run_status = $?; $signal_num = $run_status & 127; if ($run_status > 255) { $run_status >>= 8; } } else { # This test *requires* non-zero return codes if (!$found_error) { $found_error = 1; $err_count ++; } $inline .= "$mpiexec returned a zero status but the program returned a nonzero status\n"; } return ($found_error,$inline); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output routines: # RunPreMsg( programname, np, workdir ) - Call before running a program # RunTestFailed, RunTestPassed - Call after test # RunPostMsg - Call at end of each test # sub RunPreMsg { my ($programname,$np,$workdir) = @_; if ($xmloutput) { print XMLOUT "$newline$programname$newline"; print XMLOUT "$np$newline"; print XMLOUT "$workdir$newline"; } } sub RunPostMsg { my ($programname, $np, $workdir) = @_; if ($xmloutput) { print XMLOUT "$newline"; } } sub RunTestPassed { my ($programname, $np, $workdir, $xfail) = @_; if ($xmloutput) { print XMLOUT "pass$newline"; } if ($tapoutput) { my $xfailstr = ''; if ($xfail ne '') { $xfailstr = " # TODO $xfail"; } print TAPOUT "ok ${total_run} - $workdir/$programname ${np}${xfailstr}\n"; } } sub RunTestFailed { my $programname = shift; my $np = shift; my $workdir = shift; my $output = shift; my $xfail = shift; if ($xmloutput) { my $xout = $output; # basic escapes that wreck the XML output $xout =~ s//\*AMP\*gt;/g; $xout =~ s/&/\*AMP\*amp;/g; $xout =~ s/\*AMP\*/&/g; # TODO: Also capture any non-printing characters (XML doesn't like them # either). print XMLOUT "fail$newline"; print XMLOUT "$newline$xout$newline"; } if ($tapoutput) { my $xfailstr = ''; if ($xfail ne '') { $xfailstr = " # TODO $xfail"; } print TAPOUT "not ok ${total_run} - $workdir/$programname ${np}${xfailstr}\n"; print TAPOUT " ---\n"; print TAPOUT " Directory: $workdir\n"; print TAPOUT " File: $programname\n"; print TAPOUT " Num-procs: $np\n"; print TAPOUT " Date: \"" . localtime . "\"\n"; # The following would be nice, but it leads to unfortunate formatting in # the Jenkins web output for now. Using comment lines instead, since # they are easier to read/find in a browser. ## print TAPOUT " Output: |\n"; ## # using block literal format, requires that all chars are printable ## # UTF-8 (or UTF-16, but we won't encounter that) ## foreach my $line (split m/\r?\n/, $output) { ## chomp $line; ## # 4 spaces, 2 for TAP indent, 2 more for YAML block indent ## print TAPOUT " $line\n"; ## } print TAPOUT " ...\n"; # Alternative to the "Output:" YAML block literal above. Do not put any # spaces before the '#', this causes some TAP parsers (including Perl's # TAP::Parser) to treat the line as "unknown" instead of a proper # comment. print TAPOUT "## Test output (expected 'No Errors'):\n"; foreach my $line (split m/\r?\n/, $output) { chomp $line; print TAPOUT "## $line\n"; } } } sub SkippedTest { my $programname = shift; my $np = shift; my $workdir = shift; my $reason = shift; # simply omit from the XML output if ($tapoutput) { print TAPOUT "ok ${total_seen} - $workdir/$programname $np # SKIP $reason\n"; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternate init routines sub InitQuickTimeout { $ENV{"MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT"} = 10; }