#! ./tesh p Testing the suspend/resume feature of MSG $ $SG_TEST_EXENV ${srcdir:=.}/suspend/suspend ${srcdir:=.}/msg_platform.xml ${srcdir:=.}/suspend/deployment_suspend.xml > [Jacquelin:dream_master:(1) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Let's create a lazy guy. > [Jacquelin:dream_master:(1) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Let's wait a little bit... > [Jacquelin:Lazy:(2) 0.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Nobody's watching me ? Let's go to sleep. > [Jacquelin:dream_master:(1) 10.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Let's wake the lazy guy up! >:) BOOOOOUUUHHH!!!! > [Jacquelin:dream_master:(1) 10.000000] [msg_test/INFO] OK, goodbye now. > [Jacquelin:Lazy:(2) 10.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Uuuh ? Did somebody call me ? > [Jacquelin:Lazy:(2) 10.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Mmmh, goodbye now. > [10.000000] [msg_test/INFO] Simulation time 10