# compile the mult_matrix example # Later modify the commande and specify the platform and deployment path $ lua mult_matrix.lua > [Inmos:Sender:(1) 0.000000] [lua/INFO] Hello From Sender > [Inmos:Sender:(1) 0.000000] [lua/INFO] Argc=4 (should be 4) > [Inmos:Sender:(1) 0.000000] [lua/INFO] Sending matrix_task to Bellevue > [Bellevue:Receiver:(2) 0.000000] [lua/INFO] Hello From Receiver > [Bellevue:Receiver:(2) 0.000000] [lua/INFO] Receiving Task from Inmos > [Bellevue:Receiver:(2) 0.030276] [lua/INFO] Calcul is done ... Bye > [Inmos:Sender:(1) 0.030276] [lua/INFO] Got the Multiplication result ...Bye > [0.030276] [lua/INFO] Simulation's over.See you.